Weekend Poll and Comment Forum: State Budget

The Wisconsin Biennial budget is on its way to the governor.  So what do you think: do you favor or oppose?

SeeSenate sends budget to Walker for signature, but effects already being felt and Senate OK’d budget goes to Walker:

Aside from changes to the school voucher program, the state budget approved Thursday by the Legislature also includes provisions that would:

  • Put tight limits on property taxes.
  • Cut school funding by almost $800 million.
  • Require local governments to make employer contributions to match the new pension contributions being required of public workers, which in the case of state workers are equal to 5.8% of their salaries.
  • Loosen restrictions on payday loans.
  • Let bail bondsmen set up shop in Wisconsin.

Previous proposals that were removed from the bill include:

  • A plan that would have made it harder for owners of land sitting in the way of a highway or power line project to challenge a government takeover of their property.
  • A proposal for $2 million in state borrowing for improvements at Milwaukee’s National Soldiers Home.

I’ve a poll and comments forum open for your opinions.

The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings is, of course, fine. Although the comments template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

The forum will be open until Sunday morning, and this post will stay at the top of the website during that time. Other posts will be up during that time; they’ll just appear below this one until Sunday.

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13 years ago

This was not a budget. It was a war on the middle class and poor.

The Phantom Stranger
13 years ago

…sad to see our State motto has become “Wisconsin: Backward.” The FitzWalkers and GOP have put the Badger State in the Wayback Machine. Shame! We’re trapped in a time/space anomoly that has hurled us bacward to 1951. Shame.

Ayn Rand
13 years ago

This budget spends in the wrong places, and it cuts back in the wrong places. That’s the biggest problem. A much smaller issue is that this is what people may think a libertarian budget should look like. No! Count me opposed.