Whitewater’s Evolution

Update, 5.10.12 @ 8:20 PM: See, along these lines, Whitewater’s city manager’s published acknowledgement in a newspaper interview (online at 1:03 PM today) of a possible position with Walworth County.

Original post of 5.10.12 @ 12:30 PM:

Change comes at varying speeds, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, still other times seemingly (but only seemingly) not at all.

We’ll hear much in the days ahead about changes in Whitewater’s municipal administration. There’s no surprise in this: In general, once people start looking for a new position, they keep going until they find something.

I’ve written recently about possible changes. See, Qui-Gon Jinn’s Sound Advice for Whitewater and Whitewater’s present, future.

I cannot say precisely when there will be a new Whitewater, but I am certain of New Whitewater’s Inevitability. We’ve made the occasional step backwards or sideways, but our direction is principally forward.

Still much work to go, but then the work of the community has always been the work of many thousands, each shaping a part of the city’s future.

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