Why Can’t Whitewater Publicize Its Own Chupacabra, Lake Monster, Giant Ape, Etc.?

In Texas, a thirteen-year-old boy believes he’s shot a chupacabra, a legendary animal that supposedly sucks the blood from its prey. Looking at the video, the dead animal looks like nothing so much as an emaciated, partly hairless coyote. (It looks a coyote that because that’s what it surely is.) Yet, even this readily-identifiable creature’s spurring national news, with videos and stories about what it might be.

Whitewater’s missing out on a real chance here. There have been stories about the nearby Beast of Bray Road, so our area’s already primed for more spooky, amazing tales of bizarre creatures. We’ve had our work done for us.

Trippe Lake’s closed temporarily because of E. coli, but who knows what monster that bacterium might conjure from the depths? Perhaps something like this –

There’s no need to milk taxpayers — either in Whitewater or elsewhere — of millions, when a profitable venture in mythological animals might be started for peanuts. For decades, the screwball Pratt Institute conducted all sorts of nutty, theologically-unsound seances, and Whitewater got nothing good out of it. For a fraction of price of time and energy on excuses about TID 4’s sorry state, we could have our own version of the Loch Ness legend.

We’d clean up if only we’d spread carefully publicize a few harmless stories about mysterious hounds, bipedal amphibians, or skunk apes.

By the way, here’s a news account of that Texas animal – see what you think –

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