Here in Wisconsin, there’s an election recount in two counties, and there are repeated Republican objections to the recount there. This is a curious turn, as Patrick Marley accurately reports that The Wisconsin voting system Donald Trump is attacking was built by Republicans:
MADISON – In his move to overturn Wisconsin’s election results, President Donald Trump is attacking a voting system built entirely by Republicans.
The state’s voting laws and procedures were overhauled repeatedly during eight years of GOP control of state government.
Republicans dissolved the body that oversees elections and replaced it with one equally divided by Republicans and Democrats. They put in place a voter ID law, shortened the early voting period to two weeks, eliminated straight-ticket voting and barred voter registration drives.
Truly, these recount objections are not Republican objections but Trumpist ones.
The party is less an independent political organization with a platform (in fact, they had no updated platform for the 2020 race) than it is an oversized coat for the oversized Donald J. Trump. The party goes where Trump goes: men wear coats, but coats do not wear men.
Wisconsin Republicans did design the system about which Trump now complains. Trump and his followers care not at all about this plain truth (a truth that would muffle the objections of anyone who believed in accountability for prior actions).
Trump (and so Trumpism) rejects accountability: there is only what the man wants in the moment, divorced from past actions or future obligations.