Author Archive for JOHN ADAMS

Daily Bread for 10.16.21: Waukesha School District bans LGBTQ+ and other signs

Good morning.

Saturday in Whitewater will be mostly sunny with a high of 58.  Sunrise is 7:10 AM and sunset 6:09 PM for 10h 58m 48s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 83.7% of its visible disk illuminated.

 On this day in 1780, the Great Hurricane of 1780 finishes after its sixth day, killing between 20,000 and 24,000 residents of the Lesser Antilles.

Samantha Hendrickson and Alex Groth report Students and parents rally against the Waukesha School District’s ban on LGBTQ+ and other ‘controversial’ signs:

In an effort to ban “political” signage from classrooms, the Waukesha School District banned LGBTQ+ messages and symbols from being put up in schools — and the community showed up to fight it.

The ban called for the removal of things like rainbow flags, the phrase “safe space” and other “beyond the curriculum” signage, which many community members said only gave more permission for LGBTQ+ youth to be bullied and remain outsiders in their school environment.

For the second month in a row, Waukesha students and parents filled three rooms, waiting to speak their piece in front of the Waukesha School Board. Over 30 of them got their say over the span of an hour, both praising and criticizing the district’s actions.

Waukesha School Board has banned Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, anti-racist and other ‘controversial’ materials

In August, the board banned Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, Thin Blue Line, anti-racist and other posters deemed “controversial” materials from classrooms.

The public comments were not directly addressed by the board Wednesday, as the sign-banning policy was not an item listed on the meeting’s agenda.

In an Oct. 13 letter sent to families and staff following the meeting, district officials said they will have conversations with members of the school district to consider options to make sure everyone feels “safe and welcome.”

(Waukesha also previously rejected, but later resumed, participation in a federal school breakfast program (rejected originally on the theory that feeding hungry children before school might lead to a kind of ‘slow addiction’ to the program). See Waukesha School District Fails Even Before the Day Begins and Waukesha Schools Reverse Course on Meals Program.)

Other communities with speech-banning majorities on their school boards will find themselves in a similar position To Waukesha’s students: restrictions on free expression and against safe spaces.

Now, I do not speak for a particular community in Whitewater, the other towns within the Whitewater Unified School District, or any other place on this planet. I am, so to speak, an emissary of one.  It is enough to oppose these restrictions on principle. It’s prudent to prepare a defense should this community face similar, restrictive efforts.

A reminder: neither boosterism nor toxic positivity will prove a bulwark against a motivated horde. Those are mere pop guns against a rhinoceros. See Boosterism’s Cousin, Toxic Positivity and Tragic Optimism as an Alternative to Toxic Positivity.

Darien, CT Students And Adults Call Out Discrimination In School:

At an emotional school board meeting Tuesday night, students, parents, and teachers attested to incidents of discrimination, racism, homophobia, and sexism they’ve experienced, with little or no response from the school board and community.

Daily Bread for 10.15.21: From UW-Whitewater’s Administration, Too Many and Too Few Words

Good morning.

Friday in Whitewater will be cloudy with a high of 55.  Sunrise is 7:09 AM and sunset 6:11 PM for 11h 01m 35s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 74.4% of its visible disk illuminated.

 On this day in 1956, FORTRAN, the first modern computer language, is first shared with the coding community.

 Too Many:

New UW-Whitewater mission statement

Dear faculty, staff and students,

We’re pleased to inform you that the UW System Board of Regents, at its October meeting, gave final approval for the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s new mission statement.

Thanks and appreciation go out to all the folks who collaborated, drafted, provided feedback, and shepherded the statement through the approval process. This is the culmination of years of work from our constituents on campus and in the greater community. Without question, the new mission is a significant step forward for our institution, reflects our current goals and aspirations as an outstanding regional comprehensive university, and it will serve as a guiding compass as we create a new strategic plan for UW-Whitewater in 2022.

Thank you,
Jim Henderson, Ph.D., Interim Chancellor
John Chenoweth, Ph.D., Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

The text of the new mission statement reads as following:

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is a preeminent academic institution driven by the pursuit of knowledge, powered by a spirit of innovation, and focused on transforming lives. As part of the University of Wisconsin System, UW-Whitewater embraces the Wisconsin Idea and is an economic and cultural driver of our region. We are nationally and internationally recognized for the accomplishments of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Grounded in a rigorous core curriculum, students receive a well-rounded education and every academic program prepares students to be creative, innovative and adaptable in dynamic and diverse work and life environments.

We are an inclusive educational community with a deep commitment to access that inspires us to serve students from diverse backgrounds, experiences, identities, and abilities. We have a longstanding special mission to serve students with disabilities. By supporting all students, we champion education, opportunity and prosperity for all. As engaged global citizens, members of our community make positive contributions to the State of Wisconsin, to our nation, and to the world.

Our academic programs serve undergraduate and graduate students, including online learners, and span the disciplines, from the theoretical to the applied, and encompass study in the arts, business, education, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, technology, and professional and interdisciplinary programs. High-quality programs are offered at the associate, bachelor, master, and doctoral levels. These programs prepare students to become lifelong learners who lead successful lives and enjoy productive careers.

 Too Few:

Former student sues, saying UW-Whitewater failed to protect her and others from sexual harassment by former chancellor’s husband

UW-Whitewater spokesman Jeffrey Angileri referred questions to UW System. UW System spokesman Mark Pitsch said Wednesday: “We just received this, and do not comment on pending litigation.

See also Ex-student Stephanie Vander Pas sues for failure of UW-Whitewater to protect her and others from sexual harassment by former chancellor’s husband.

There is a oft-asserted contention that during litigation an institutional defendant should prudently make ‘no comment.’  That’s false, although it’s often what non-lawyers speciously contend lawyers should do. On the contrary, there is a range of replies (in word and deed) that an institution, its spokesmen, and its lawyers can make when faced with serious claims of abusive and unethical behavior.

‘No comment’ is what those who are indolent or indifferent say.

UW-Whitewater’s students and faculty deserve leaders who speak meaningfully and act sincerely in response to claims of individual injury from institutional misconduct.

Step Inside This 360º-Rotating House:

Friday Catblogging: Siamese Cats as Heat Maps

Annie Rauwerda writes Siamese cats are heatmaps of themselves:

Siamese cats are walking heatmaps. Their characteristic coloration results from a delightful mutation (maybe I should call it a mew-tation) in tyrosinase, an enzyme that makes melanin. A deleted cytosine amino acid causes a frameshift mutation. The result? Tyrosinase in Siamese cats is particularly sensitive to temperature, denaturing at normal body temperature.

This means that near the cat’s warm body, the enzyme doesn’t function, and melanin isn’t produced. But at colder extremities like the tail, feet, ears, and face, the color kicks in.

Daily Bread for 10.14.21: Ignorance and Fanaticism Threaten Mequon-Thiensville

Good morning.

Thursday in Whitewater will be partly sunny with a high of 69.  Sunrise is 7:08 AM and sunset 6:12 PM for 11h 04m 23s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 64.6% of its visible disk illuminated.

 Whitewater’s Finance Committee meets at 4:30 PM.

 On this day in 1912, Theodore Roosevelt is shot in Milwaukee:

On the night of October 14, 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was shot in Milwaukee. Roosevelt was in Wisconsin stumping as the presidential candidate of the new, independent Progressive Party, which had split from the Republican Party earlier that year. Roosevelt already had served two terms as chief executive (1901-1909), but was seeking the office again as the champion of progressive reform. Unbeknownst to Roosevelt, a New York bartender named John Schrank had been stalking him for three weeks through eight states. As Roosevelt left Milwaukee’s Hotel Gilpatrick for a speaking engagement at the Milwaukee Auditorium and stood waving to the gathered crowd, Schrank fired a .38-caliber revolver that he had hidden in his coat.

Roosevelt was hit in the right side of the chest and the bullet lodged in his chest wall. Seeing the blood on his shirt, vest, and coat, his aides pleaded with him to seek medical help, but Roosevelt trivialized the wound and insisted on keeping his commitment. His life was probably saved by the speech, since the contents of his coat pocket — his metal spectacle case and the thick, folded manuscript of his talk — had absorbed much of the force of the bullet. Throughout the evening he made light of the wound, declaring at one point, “It takes more than one bullet to kill a Bull Moose,” but the candidate spen[t] the next week in the hospital and carried the bullet inside him the rest of his life.

Schrank, the would-be assassin, was examined by psychiatrists, who recommended that he be committed to an asylum. A judge concurred and Schrank spent the remainder of his life incarcerated, first at the Northern Hospital for the Insane in Oshkosh, then at Central State Hospital for the criminally insane at the state prison at Waupun. The glass Roosevelt drank from on stage that night was acquired by the Wisconsin Historical Museum. You can read more about the assassination attempt on their Museum Object of Week pages.

Alec Johnson reports Mequon-Thiensville School Board recall candidate shares social media posts with Holocaust references:

One of the challengers running in the Mequon-Thiensville School Board recall election has shared social media posts with Holocaust references in them, which drew condemnation from the Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center, a program of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation.

Kris Kittell shared his post on his Facebook account: “It didn’t start with gas chambers. It started with one party controlling the media. One party controlling the message. One party deciding what is truth. One party silencing speech and silencing opposition. One party dividing citizens into ‘us’ and ‘them’ and calling on their supporters to harass ‘them.’ It started when good people turned a blind eye and let it happen.”

The post also included the letters “WWG1WGA,” an abbreviation often used by QAnon that stands for “Where we go one, we go all.”

Kittell also shared a post with images from the Holocaust and the words: “Any government with enough power to demand that you carry around papers in order to move around freely is more dangerous than COVID-19.”

Other posts Kittell shared included one with a man with a mask and face shield on reading a book with references to Nazi Germany that said “How could people allow it to get to that point?” and one with a picture of a sign reading “If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied during 1930’s Germany, now you know.”

Kittell did not respond to phone calls and emails requesting an interview.

America has led the world for generations in the development of safe and effective vaccines, but an ignorant and fanatical horde presumes to criticize these accomplishments in medicine with false analogies to Nazi Germany.

Indeed, they presume to criticize our nation’s indubitable medical achievements in the very name of education.

Yesterday, the Peterson Center on Healthcare and the Kaiser Family Foundation published a study finding that

We also estimate how many COVID-19 deaths were among unvaccinated adults and could have been prevented since June 2021 when safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines became widely available to all adults in the U.S. From June through September 2021, approximately 90,000 COVID-19 deaths among adults likely would have been prevented with vaccination.

We are asked to respect anti-vax claims, anti-vax choices, asked to tolerate and accept anti-vax assaults on public health.

No and never.

(See also Cato adjunct scholar, and George Mason law professor, Ilya Somin on why vaccine mandates are consistent with libertarian views. Summarizing: (1) a disease like COVID involves the potential of harm to other people (2) mask mandates, lockdowns, and restrictions on international travel are all much more intrusive than the relatively slight imposition of a safe and effective vaccine (3) there is a strong libertarian case that private institutions, and even the government when acting as employer, can set policies attached to what are voluntary relationships: employees, customers, students, etc. (4) Florida’s recent attempt to ban private businesses such as cruise lines from adopting vaccine requirements has already suffered defeat in court and is one example of an affront to libertarian sensibilities.)

6 Things to Know About Candy Corn:

Daily Bread for 10.13.21: Armed RoboDogs… Coming Soon to a Dystopia Near You

Good morning.

Wednesday in Whitewater will be partly cloudy with scattered afternoon thundershowers and a high of 69.  Sunrise is 7:07 AM and sunset 6:14 PM for 11h 07m 12s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 53.9% of its visible disk illuminated.

 Whitewater’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee meets at 5 PM, and Whitewater’s Police and Fire Commission meets at 6:30 PM.

 On this day in 1775, the Continental Congress establishes the Continental Navy (predecessor of the United States Navy).

Joseph Trevithick reports Robot Dogs Now Have Assault Rifles Mounted On Their Backs (‘Robot dogs have been met with equal parts fascination and fear by the public, but their utility for military applications is becoming undeniable’):

Ghost Robotics and SWORD International have teamed up to create a rifle-toting “robot dog.” Called the Special Purpose Unmanned Rifle, or SPUR, the system adds a 6.5mm Creedmoor rifle from SWORD to one of Ghost Robotics’ quadrupedal unmanned ground vehicles, or Q-UGVs.

The SPUR made its debut on the show floor at the Association of the U.S. Army’s main annual convention in Washington, D.C., which opened yesterday. Though Ghost Robotics is partnered with a number of other companies to explore defense and security applications, among others, for its Q-UGVs — which you can read more about in this past War Zone feature — this appears to be the first example of one of these unmanned systems with an actual weapon mounted on it. Unarmed examples of the Q-UGV are notably already in limited use with the U.S. Air Force’s 325th Security Forces Squadron at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida and are being tested by other units within that service.

The exact configuration of the 6.5mm gun inside the SPUR module — how much ammunition it contains, and how hard it might be to reload — are all unclear. Ghost Robotics has said that SPUR can be instructed remotely to chamber the first round from an unloaded state, as well as clear the chamber and safe the gun.

Humanity had a good run…

2021 Cornell Hawks Cam Season Highlights:

Daily Bread for 10.12.21: Parent of sick student sues after Waukesha School District ends many pandemic mitigation efforts

Good morning.

Tuesday in Whitewater will be partly sunny with a high of 69.  Sunrise is 7:06 AM and sunset 6:16 PM for 11h 10m 01s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 42.1% of its visible disk illuminated.

 Whitewater’s Finance Committee meets at 4:30 PM, and the city’s Public Works Committee meets at 6 PM. 

 On this day in 1960, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev pounds his shoe on a desk at the United Nations to protest a Philippine assertion.

 Alec Johnson reports The Waukesha School district ended many of its pandemic mitigation efforts. Then her son got sick. Now, she’s suing:

Attorney Frederick Melms filed the lawsuit on Oct. 5 in the U.S. Eastern District of Wisconsin on behalf of Shannon Jensen and other parents and K-12 Waukesha School District students.

The lawsuit is the latest instance of local parent frustration with how area school boards have responded to the pandemic and yet another example of how school board meetings have increasingly become ground zero in politics.

The lawsuit, which is being funded by the Minocqua Brewing Company Super PAC and argues for class-action status, is seeking an injunction ordering the district to comply with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 guidelines.

According to the lawsuit:

The Waukesha School Board on May 12 removed the mask requirement and many other COVID-19 mitigation measures that were in place for most of the 2020-21 school year. Despite that decision, Jensen’s son, a student at Rose Glen Elementary School, and his two younger brothers wore masks to school while many of their classmates did not. 

One of Jensen’s oldest son’s classmates came to school with COVID-19 symptoms on Sept.16-17 before being sent home. Jensen’s oldest son was seated next to the sick classmate both days and his sick classmate did not wear a mask. On Sept. 19, Jensen’s oldest son developed symptoms and tested positive for COVID-19. Jensen then had all her sons quarantine at home. The younger two boys would later test positive for COVID-19 as well, and all of them missed school and other extracurricular activities as a result. 

In a statement provided in the lawsuit, Jensen said she got delayed notifications from the district informing her that children in her oldest son’s class tested positive for the virus and later learned through another parent with a child in her oldest son’s class that four children had tested positive. She also learned the district had no thresholds for when the class would be quarantined and that no contact tracing was being done. Instead the district was “just blanket informing parents when a child in the school had tested positive, usually several days earlier.”

Lawsuits require that plaintiffs, individually or as a class, have been somehow injured (as defined by law).

So there are choices to be made, and ways to lessen the chance of becoming a defendant in lawsuit. The strongest way, for students and for school districts, is to have effective protocols diligently applied. These mitigation efforts may not always work, but they can both reduce illness and protect against a finding of liability.

By contrast, there is also a weak way to prevent injury and protect against liability: to ignore mitigation, to insist falsely that a district has mitigation protocols when it does not, and to insist unconvincingly that the district has no school spread

People and institutions choose freely, sometimes well, sometimes poorly. 

Daily Bread for 10.11.21: Whitewater Schools Use Pandemic Funds for Artificial Turf

Good morning.

Monday in Whitewater will see afternoon thundershowers with a high of 77.  Sunrise is 7:04 AM and sunset 6:17 PM for 11h 12m 51s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 31.3% of its visible disk illuminated.

 Whitewater’s Planning Commission meets at 6 PM.

 On this day in 1767, surveying for the Mason–Dixon line separating Maryland from Pennsylvania is completed.

Collin Binkley and Ryan Foley of the Associated Press report Flush with COVID-19 aid, schools steer funding to sports:

One Wisconsin school district built a new football field. In Iowa, a high school weight room is getting a renovation. Another in Kentucky is replacing two outdoor tracks — all of this funded by the billions of dollars in federal pandemic relief Congress sent to schools this year.

The money is part of a $123 billion infusion intended to help schools reopen and recover from the pandemic. But with few limits on how the funding can be spent, The Associated Press found that some districts have used large portions to cover athletics projects they couldn’t previously afford.

Critics say it violates the intent of the legislation, which was meant to help students catch up on learning after months of remote schooling. But many schools argue the projects support students’ physical and mental health, one of the objectives allowed by the federal government.

Rep. Bobby Scott, the top Democrat on the U.S. House education committee, said the money shouldn’t be used to fund athletics at the expense of academics. It was meant to help students, he said, not sports programs.

“I suspect you can make a case for anything, but the purpose is clear: It’s to open safely, stay open safely and deal with learning loss,” Scott said. “These are targeted resources needed to address the fact that a lot of children just didn’t achieve much for about a year.”

Robin Lake, director of the Center on Reinventing Public Education, said every dollar of pandemic relief spent on sports could be used to expand tutoring, reduce class sizes and take other steps to help students who are struggling academically.


When school officials in Whitewater, Wisconsin, learned they would be getting $2 million in pandemic relief this year, they decided to use most of it to cover their current budget, freeing up $1.6 million in local funding to build new synthetic turf fields for football, baseball and softball.

Athletics officials in the district of 1,800 students said the project was sorely needed to replace fields prone to heavy flooding. They touted the federal money as a chance to solve the problem without asking local taxpayers for funding.

“If we don’t do it now with this money, I’m not sure when we would ever do something like this,” athletic director Justin Crandall told the school board in May. “I don’t see us being a district that would go to a referendum for turf fields.”

Two school board members objected, with one raising concerns that just $400,000 was being used to address student learning loss — the minimum to meet a requirement that at least 20% goes toward that purpose.

The board approved the plan over those objections, and the new football field had its grand opening in September. District Superintendent Caroline Pate-Hefty declined to answer questions about the project.

Reporters Foley and Binkley were thorough: they knew that Whitewater spent this money for artificial turf, the amount spent, the date of the meeting authorizing the vote in favor, the margin of the vote, and were able to quote remarks made during that meeting’s discussion.  That’s solid work. 

This AP story has, by virtue of its subject and the reach of the AP, become a national story (e.g., Washington Post, Raleigh News & Observer, Miami Herald.) Photos of Whitewater’s new artificial turf field accompanied the story, and on the AP’s Twitter feed:

(AP photographer Morry Gash took photographs of Whitewater’s new field. He’s a fine sports photographer, and they knew they had a good story. Our field appears in the photos that accompanied the story in print and online, 1 and 2.)

Alicia Menendez featured Whitewater on her MSNBC television program American Voices with the subject title Some schools misuse COVID relief funds for sports:

An AP investigation found that some schools have been using federal COVID relief money on sports. Critics say that money should be going toward academics, helping children get back on track after experiencing setbacks during the pandemic. Associated Press education reporter Collin Binkley covered this story. He joined American Voices with Alicia Menendez to discuss.

Film: Tuesday, October 12th, 1 PM @ Seniors in the Park, In the Heights

Tuesday, October 12th at 1 PM, there will be a showing of In the Heights @ Seniors in the Park, in the Starin Community Building:


2 hours, 23 minutes

Rated PG-13 (2021)

A film version of the hit Broadway musical, with music and lyrics written by Lin-Manuel Miranda (‘Hamilton”). It’s “West Side Story” with a happy, musical beat. A young, upbeat NYC bodega owner (Anthony Ramos) scrapes and saves to better his neighborhood (Washington Heights) and himself. This musical will have you singing and definitely will give you a sunny disposition! Also stars Jimmy Smits, Leslie Grace, and Marc Anthony.

One can find more information about In the Heights at the Internet Movie Database.


Daily Bread for 10.10.21: Candidate for Wisconsin’s Worst Legal Argument of the Year

Good morning.

Sunday in Whitewater will be cloudy with showers and a high of 78.  Sunrise is 7:03 AM and sunset 6:19 PM for 11h 15m 41s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 21.8% of its visible disk illuminated.

 On this day in 1973, U.S. Vice President Spiro Agnew resigns after being charged with evasion of federal income tax. For a detailed account of Agnew’s crime, see Rachel Maddow’s podcast The Bag Man.  (She also has a book on the topic, and a film is in the works.)

Antonio Planas and The Associated Press report Hunting laws allowed Kyle Rittenhouse to carry weapon during fatal shootings in Wisconsin, lawyers say:

Attorneys for Kyle Rittenhouse, who is charged with fatally shooting two people during a protest in Wisconsin last year, argued that hunting laws allowed him to carry the assault-style weapon used during the shootings.

Wisconsin law prohibits anyone under age 18 from being armed, but Rittenhouse’s attorneys argued that state laws only forbid minors to carry short-barreled rifles and shotguns. The other prohibitions pertaining to children fall under hunting laws, which say children under age 12 can’t hunt with guns, Rittenhouse’s attorneys said at a hearing Tuesday.

Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, was 17 on Aug. 25, 2020, when he fatally shot two men and wounded another man while carrying an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle at a protest prompted by a police shooting of a Black man, prosecutors have said.

“There appears to be an exception for 17-year-olds,” defense attorney Corey Chirafisi said, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger responded that if the defense wants to tell a jury that Rittenhouse was only hunting, it should do so.

“They can submit evidence that the defendant had a certificate to hunt and he was engaged in legal hunting on the streets of Kenosha that night,” Binger said, according to the newspaper.


Rittenhouse’s attorneys are looking for dismissal of a weapons charge, and so they’re advancing whatever arguments they can. They’re trying to find exceptions in state statutes, and presenting in-court arguments to a trial judge. The case, however, is high-profile, and reporters across the nation are covering all the proceedings. Every single word spoken in court can become a national story.

Sometimes advancing any arguments one can causes more harm than good.

I’ll write tomorrow about a local decision of the Whitewater School District that, similarly, has attracted adverse national coverage.

Caltech’s LEO robot hybrid can skateboard, tightrope walk, and fly:

Researchers at Caltech have built a drone-robot hybrid that can do it all.

LEONARDO, short for LEgs ONboARD drOne (if that’s too much of a mouthful, it also goes by LEO), is a bipedal robot that can skateboard, hop, walk a tightrope and fly.

The 2.5-foot-tall robot was developed at Caltech’s Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies and is the first to use multi-joint legs and propeller-based thrusters to control its balance, according to a release from Caltech.

Soon-Jo Chung, corresponding author and Bren Professor of Aerospace and Control and Dynamical Systems, said the team drew inspiration from nature when designing the robot.

“Think about the way birds are able to flap and hop to navigate telephone lines,” Chung said in the Caltech release. “A complex yet intriguing behavior happens as birds move between walking and flying. We wanted to understand and learn from that.”

Daily Bread for 10.9.21: Michael Gableman Brilliantly Reprises a 1940 Film Role

Good morning.

Saturday in Whitewater will be sunny with a high of 70.  Sunrise is 7:02 AM and sunset 6:21 PM for 11h 18m 32s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 12.8% of its visible disk illuminated.

 On this day in 1936, Boulder Dam (later Hoover Dam) begins to generate electricity and transmit it to Los Angeles.

 Only two days ago, Patrick Marley and Natalie Eilbert reported accurately that Former Supreme Court Justice Gableman, head of Republican review of Wisconsin election, says he does not understand how elections work.  See Daily Bread for 10.7.21: Michael Gableman’s Candid, and Disqualifying, Ignorance.  Gableman made himself a punchline over his admitted ignorance.

Now, he’s changing his mind, day-by-day. Patrick Marley and Molly Beck report GOP attorney Michael Gableman says he will force officials to sit for interviews, a day after calling off his subpoenas:

Gableman insisted Friday in a radio interview he was still subpoenaing officials from Wisconsin’s five largest cities to testify a day after his aide told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel he was putting off the interviews for now.

His comments came less than four hours before another aide made clear in an email to a Madison official that an interview was canceled and a Green Bay official said the city clerk was no longer being asked by Gableman to testify.

Gableman’s subpoenas to mayors and election officials are seeking all election records they possess, which would constitute hundreds of thousands if not millions of pages and demanded testimony from the clerks and mayors on Oct. 15 and Oct. 22.

(In one of his radio interviews, Gableman also compared the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Gableman retracted his remarks only after his radio host described them as inappropriate.)

One might think that Gableman is in over his head, confused and uncertain, changing course after each day, or each hour within the day, as circumstances sweep aside another of his ignorant notions.

There is, however, an alternative theory worth considering.

Perhaps, simply perhaps, Gableman’s seeming ignorance is the masterful performance of a man merely acting as though he’s ignorant.

A proper list of great actors would then include Olivier, Branagh, Hackman, De Niro, and Gableman.

Yet if this should all be fine — dare one say, extraordinary — acting, then what role is Gableman playing?

Consider every play or script over the generations, and the answer is obvious: Gableman is playing a character from Of Fox and Houndsa 1940 Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies short directed by Tex Avery:

Masterful, simply masterful.

Boxer Tries Out a Cat Tree:

Daily Bread for 10.8.21: Ex-student Stephanie Vander Pas sues for failure of UW-Whitewater to protect her and others from sexual harassment by former chancellor’s husband

Good morning.

Friday in Whitewater will see scattered showers with a high of 72.  Sunrise is 7:01 AM and sunset 6:22 PM for 11h 21m 22s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 5.6% of its visible disk illuminated.

 On this day in 1871, fire destroys Peshtigo, Wisconsin:

Peshtigo, Wisconsin was devastated by a fire which took 1,200 lives. The fire caused over $2 million in damages and destroyed 1.25 million acres of forest. This was the greatest human loss due to fire in the history of the United States. The Peshtigo Fire was overshadowed by the Great Chicago fire which occurred on the same day, killing 250 people and lasting three days. While the Chicago fire is said to have started by a cow kicking over a lantern, it is uncertain how the Peshtigo fire began.

 Devi Shashtri reports Former student sues, saying UW-Whitewater failed to protect her and others from sexual harassment by former chancellor’s husband:

A former University of Wisconsin-Whitewater student who said she was sexually harassed by the former chancellor’s husband has filed a lawsuit against the university system alleging UW-Whitewater violated her right to due process and protection from discrimination.

Stephanie Goettl Vander Pas is a former UW-Whitewater student and former Whitewater alderwoman. In 2018, she came forward with allegations of sexual assault and harassment against Pete Hill, husband of then-Chancellor Beverly Kopper.

The lawsuit alleges UW-Whitewater officials were aware of Hill’s sexually abusive behavior against several women but failed to take timely action to stop it.


Vander Pas first spoke publicly about her experience in the wake of a September 2018 Journal Sentinel report that revealed Hill had been banned from campus after a sexual harassment investigation.

[More: UW-Whitewater chancellor’s husband banned from campus after sexual harassment investigation]

[More: UW opens 3rd investigation into husband of UW-Whitewater chancellor after new allegations]
She is one of several women who have come forward with similar reports of harassment by Hill. Her 2018 allegation launched the third in a series of UW System investigations into Hill’s behavior. By then, two previous investigations were found to “have merit.”

See also the federal complaint (with a personal address redacted):

The complaint and reporting speak plainly and powerfully for themselves, and so I will make no particular remarks today. Commentary follows, rather than precedes, events. There will be time enough to watch and comment on litigation over the misconduct enumerated in Ms. Vander Pas’s lawsuit.

A reminder, however, for any who should need one: reader comments at this site are carefully moderated. There will be no trolls or goblins who make their way through.

Daily Bread for 10.7.21: Michael Gableman’s Candid, and Disqualifying, Ignorance

Good morning.

Thursday in Whitewater will be rainy with a high of 70.  Sunrise is 7:00 AM and sunset 6:24 PM for 11h 24m 13s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 1.5% of its visible disk illuminated.

 There will be a meeting of Whitewater’s Finance Committee at 4:30 PM, of the Landmarks Commission at 6 PM, and a business meeting of the Whitewater Fire Department also at 6 PM

 On this day in 1774, Wisconsin becomes part of Quebec:

On this date Britain passed the Quebec Act, making Wisconsin part of the province of Quebec. Enacted by George III, the act restored the French form of civil law to the region. The Thirteen Colonies considered the Quebec Act as one of the “Intolerable Acts,” as it nullified Western claims of the coast colonies by extending the boundaries of the province of Quebec to the Ohio River on the south and to the Mississippi River on the west.

Patrick Marley and Natalie Eilbert report Former Supreme Court Justice Gableman, head of Republican review of Wisconsin election, says he does not understand how elections work:

GREEN BAY – The attorney leading a partisan review of Wisconsin’s 2020 election acknowledged this week that he doesn’t understand how elections are supposed to be run.

The admission by former state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman comes as he subpoenas mayors and election officials.

His comment raises fresh questions about how long Gableman’s taxpayer-financed review will take. He called an Oct. 31 deadline set for him by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos of Rochester unrealistic.

“Most people, myself included, do not have a comprehensive understanding or even any understanding of how elections work,” Gableman said in an interview late Tuesday before addressing the Green Bay City Council about his plans.

Gableman’s acknowledgment that he does not know how elections work comes 10 months after he told a crowd of supporters of former President Donald Trump without evidence that elected officials had allowed bureaucrats to “steal our vote.” Recounts in the state’s two most populous counties and court decisions determined Joe Biden won by more than 20,000 votes, or 0.6 percentage points.

A spokeswoman for Vos did not say why the speaker hired someone who does not know the ins and outs of elections, rather than an expert on the issue.

Only the best people…

Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen’s full opening statement at Senate hearing:

Daily Bread for 10.6.21: Trump Whines About Twitter Ban

Good morning.

Wednesday in Whitewater will be partly sunny with a high of 74.  Sunrise is 6:59 AM and sunset 6:26 PM for 11h 27m 05s of daytime.  The moon is a new with none of its visible disk illuminated.

 There will be a meeting to discuss the use of herbicides in Cravath and Trippe Lakes to kill vegetation at 3:30 PM (a ‘Lakes Chemical Aquatic Control Application Meeting’).

 On this day in 1927, The Jazz Singer, the first prominent “talkie” movie, opens.

 Arwa Mahdawi writes Donald Trump desperately needs Twitter. But will he ever be able to beat his ban? (‘Trump has handled his social media exile with all the grace one would expect – and now he’s pathetically grovelling for the chance to tweet’):

According to court documents, Trump’s Twitter ban isn’t just cruel and unusual, it could spell the end of the Republican party as we know it. His legal team’s request for an injunction argues that: “[By] de-platforming the presumptive head and most popular member of the Republican party, cutting him off from the most effective and direct forms of communication with potential voters, [Twitter] is threatening irreparable damage to the Republican party’s prospects in the 2022 and 2024 elections.”

While that analysis may be dramatic, it’s not entirely incorrect. At the very least, the Twitter ban certainly threatens irreparable damage to Trump’s political future. Ask yourself this: would Trump ever have been elected president without social media? He’s admitted he doesn’t think so. “I doubt I would be here if it weren’t for social media, to be honest with you,” Trump said in a 2017 interview with Fox. “Tweeting is like a typewriter – when I put it out, you put it immediately on your show … When somebody says something about me, I am able to go bing, bing, bing and I take care of it … [W]ithout social media … I would probably not be here talking.”

Trump, like the conservative populists, doesn’t respect private property rights for others.  He and they want to speak as they wish, but insist that others either shouldn’t speak so much (at risk of expanded libel laws) or should be forced to use their private property for Trumpists’ messaging.

No private party owes Trump and his ilk a megaphone.

Aerial footage shows oil spill in Southern California:

Daily Bread for 10.5.21: UW-Whitewater’s Challenges Aren’t Existential

Good morning.

Tuesday in Whitewater will be partly sunny with a high of 70.  Sunrise is 6:57 AM and sunset 6:27 PM for 11h 29m 56s of daytime.  The moon is a waning crescent with 1.4% of its visible disk illuminated.

 The Whitewater Common Council meets at 6:30 PM.

 On this day in 1813, The Army of the Northwest defeats a British and Native Canadian force threatening Detroit.

There are many challenges that UW-Whitewater and other UW System schools face, but they are problems of relative size and ability, not of survival.  Declining enrollments, sexual assault & harassment, and attempts to restrict speech plague these schools, but there’s no reason to think any or all of these problems will lead to school closures. (One has never argued that there would be a collapse for the city or the UW-Whitewater campus; questions of the future are ones of relative strength or weakness, not of extinction.)

Reporting today from Wisconsin Public Radio reminds that the System and its Whitewater campus have been able to improve, at least for now, an unfavorable financial condition.

 Rich Kremer reports UW System tuition, program revenue balances up nearly $189M from 2020 levels:

After a year of spending cuts driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, fund balances at University of Wisconsin System campuses have grown significantly. Tuition reserves, in particular, have increased by more than 46 percent following years of sustained decreases that put some campuses in financial jeopardy.

Tuition fund balances are revenues left over after expenses are paid in a prior campus budget year and used to safeguard against unexpected costs or revenue losses.

According to a new UW System report on a variety of balances, unrestricted tuition fund balances in fiscal year 2021 increased to $333.2 million, which works out to an increase of more than 46 percent compared to the $227.3 million held at the end of the 2020 fiscal year. That’s the highest tuition balances have been since 2015. The increase follows years of consistent tuition fund balance declines driven by anger from Republican lawmakers over the size of balances held by system campuses nearly a decade ago.

Tuition balances increased at every campus this fiscal year compared to last, with some growing exponentially.

  • UW-Stout, which reported a negative tuition balance of $133,181 on June 30, 2020, had a positive tuition balance of $5,630,877 on June 30, 2021. That’s an increase of about 4,328 percent.
  • UW-Whitewater had a tuition balance of $2,908,572 at the end of June 2020. On June 30 of this year, the campus reported an $18,921,710 balance, which works out to an increase of more than 550 percent.
  • UW-La Crosse saw it’s tuition balances grow from $4,824,596 last year to $11,619,669 this year for an increase of nearly 141 percent.

When including what are known by administrators as “program revenue balances,” the total unrestricted pool of funds held by the UW System increased by $189.1 million between fiscal years 2020 and 2021, or about 24 percent.

Animals at the Oregon Zoo Enjoy Pumpkin Treats: