Author Archive for JOHN ADAMS

Confederates, Copperheads, and Conservatives

It’s an understatement to say that a democratic society that endures a violent mob seizing its capitol building is a society in distress. We find ourselves in the twenty-first century facing movements as malevolent and mendacious as the nineteenth century’s Confederates and Copperheads.

Karen L. Cox writes What Trump Shares With the ‘Lost Cause’ of the Confederacy (‘It is hard to miss the parallels between now and then of rewriting history and campaigns of disinformation’):

And if there was ever a campaign of disinformation, the Lost Cause was it. The Confederacy, the lie went, failed only because of the North’s superior numbers and resources. But it went further than that. As Edward Pollard, the Richmond editor who coined the term “Lost Cause” wrote in 1866, “The Confederates have gone out of this war,” he wrote, “with the proud, secret, dangerous consciousness that they are the BETTER MEN, and that there was nothing wanting but a change in a set of circumstances and a firmer resolve to make them victors.”

This constitutes another parallel to the movement Mr. Trump has created. Under a change in circumstances — overturning the results of the election — the better man would have won. This is the “dangerous consciousness” of Trump’s supporters. Like Lee’s Lost Cause, it will not likely end. When Lee died just five years after the Civil War, the myths around Confederate defeat and efforts to memorialize it were growing exponentially throughout the South. The Lost Cause did not belong to Lee; Lee belonged to the Lost Cause — a cultural phenomenon whose momentum could not be stopped.


Like the original Lost Cause, today’s movement has been aided and abetted by the president’s field generals — many of them Republican members of Congress. They espouse the same language, stoke the same flames and perpetuate the same myths — all to incite a base of voters to keep them in office.

Of modern-day Copperheads (who like the original version are those within a democratic government undermining democratic policy), one reads that an Officer resigns as Army investigates her involvement in Washington rally that led to U.S. Capitol riot

A psychological operations officer who the Army is investigating for leading a group of people from North Carolina to the rally in Washington that led up to the deadly riot in the U.S. Capitol had already resigned her commission, CBS News correspondent David Martin reports. Commanders at Fort Bragg said they were reviewing Captain Emily Rainey’s involvement in last week’s events in the nation’s capital, but she said she acted within military regulations and that no one in her group broke the law.

A Defense official told CBS News the Army is investigating how many soldiers from Fort Bragg accompanied Rainey to Washington. Rainey had resigned her commission after receiving a career-ending letter of reprimand for her actions at an earlier protest in the Fort Bragg area, Martin reports.

Of conservatives, Jonathon V. Last writes Conservatism [Before 2016] Is Dead

When Donald Trump first annexed the Republican party there was a lot of talk in conservative circles about True Conservatism. There were people from the Reagan/fusionism years who insisted that their precepts represented the True Conservatism and that the Trumpists were an aberration.

The Trumpists, on the other hand, argued that their brand of ethno-nationalism was the True Conservatism that had finally displaced a failed, dead consensus.


In this sense, it is useful to think about pre-2016 “conservatism” as a dead language. We can argue about how the language died, whether it was gradual, bottom-to-top, or radical. But that doesn’t change the fact that it is, as a functional matter, dead.

What good is it to claim that Old English is the “True English” if only a handful of academics speak it?

Daily Bread for 1.11.21

Good morning.

Monday in Whitewater will be mostly cloudy with a high of twenty-nine.  Sunrise is 7:23 AM and sunset 4:42 PM, for 9h 19m 00s of daytime.  The moon is a waning crescent with 3.7% of its visible disk illuminated.


Whitewater’s Planning Board meets at via audiovisual conferencing 6 PM.

On this day in 1787, William Herschel discovers Titania and Oberon, two moons of Uranus.

Recommended for reading in full — 

Kathleen Gray reports In Michigan, a Dress Rehearsal for the Chaos at the Capitol on Wednesday:

LANSING, Mich. — First came the “Unlock Michigan” protest. More than 1,000 cars, many draped with flags supporting President Trump, drove around the Michigan State Capitol, blaring their horns and decrying Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s coronavirus lockdown orders. Hundreds of others, many armed with military-style weapons, milled about on the lawn.

Two weeks later, on April 30, the dissent escalated. Gun-toting protesters rushed the State Capitol, not long after Mr. Trump tweeted “Liberate Michigan.” They demanded entry into the House of Representatives’ chamber, chanting “Let Us In.”

A handful of them, wearing camouflage fatigues with semiautomatic rifles slung over their shoulders, watched ominously from the gallery above the Senate chamber as the elected officials did their work. The lawmakers passed bills and resolutions and gave angry floor speeches about the extraordinary show of force looking down at them. At least two of the protesters were among 14 people later charged in a failed plot to kidnap Ms. Whitmer and bomb the state Capitol.

See also After trial runs at statehouses last year, the far-right’s violent tactics erupted at the Capitol.

 Ann Hornaday writes The Trump cult has obliterated the line between citizenship and fandom, with deadly results:

“Sleep well tonight, patriots … You are going to love how this movie ends.”

Those are the words of StormIsUponUs, who posted on Parler on Wednesday encouraging the hundreds of Donald Trump supporters who earlier that day had laid siege to the sanctum sanctorum of American democracy.

Presumably, the rioters were there to stop the process underway to certify the election of President-elect Joe Biden, a dubious goal they achieved for a few tense and chaotic hours. Mostly, though, they seemed aimless and incoherent, roaming the corridors, ransacking offices, scrambling up and down walls even though stairs were right there. A motley crew dressed in red MAGA hats and ridiculous costumes ranging from Uncle Sam and a bald eagle to Captain America and the Punisher, they presented a bizarre tableau, as if a “Purge” sequel were being filmed at Mos Eisley’s Cantina.

And, as indicated by the movie quote, cinematic references were definitely the point for people who, once they claimed the stage, clearly had no idea what to do with it. Rather than kicking ass and taking names, they looked like asses and made memes. Incoherent, incompetent, devoid of ideology beyond inchoate rage at not getting their way, they mulled and milled about — posing, posturing, taking selfies and live-streaming their exploits. “Our house!” West Virginia state delegate Derrick Evans exclaimed on Facebook Live as he joined the rioters who had smashed windows and bullied their way through doors. “We’re in, baby!” (On Friday, he was charged with unlawfully entering restricted grounds.)

How Instant Ramen Became An Instant Success:

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Trump’s Employment Failure

Catherine Rampell writes December’s jobs report confirms Trump is set to be the worst jobs president on record:

When the pandemic first hit the United States, we lost 22 million jobs almost immediately. Then after seven months of gains — albeit decelerating ones — the economy tipped back into job losses in December, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. Employers eliminated 140,000 jobs on net; the industry with the biggest losses was leisure and hospitality (President Trump’s own sector); it lost nearly half a million jobs last month alone. Since February, employment in the industry is down by about a quarter.

A separate survey of workers found that 6.7 percent of workers remain officially unemployed. A broader measure of underemployment — including those who can’t find jobs, can’t find enough hours or have become discouraged and given up applying for work entirely — stands at 11.7 percent.


Trump is not responsible for a global pandemic or the economic crisis it caused. As I’ve said ad nauseam, presidents get too much credit when the economy is good and too much blame when it is bad; they can affect things only on the margin. That said, a number of his administration’s decisions made things worse on the margin.

That includes discouraging Americans from taking simple precautions (such as mask-wearing) that reduce the spread of the virus, whose latest wave is undoubtedly the reason for the service industry’s significant losses.

Andrew Van Dam gives these losses a visual representation

See also Trump’s Economy: Exaggerations, Lies, Failures, Trumpism Brings Economic Decline, and Trump Tax Bill is the Predictable Failure Sensible People Warned It Would Be.

Daily Bread for 1.10.21

Good morning.

Sunday in Whitewater will be overcast with a high of twenty-seven.  Sunrise is 7:24 AM and sunset 4:41 PM, for 9h 17m 32s of daytime.  The moon is a waning crescent with 9% of its visible disk illuminated.


  On this day in 1927, Fritz Lang’s futuristic film Metropolis is released in Germany.

Recommended for reading in full — 

Adam Liptak reports Can Twitter Legally Bar Trump? The First Amendment Says Yes:

When Simon & Schuster canceled its plans this week to publish Senator Josh Hawley’s book, he called the action “a direct assault on the First Amendment.”

And when Twitter permanently banned President Trump’s account on Friday, his family and his supporters said similar things. “We are living Orwell’s 1984,” Donald Trump Jr. said — on Twitter. “Free-speech no longer exists in America.”

The companies’ decisions may have been unwise, scholars who study the First Amendment said, but they were perfectly lawful. That is because the First Amendment prohibits government censorship and does not apply to decisions made by private businesses.

It is certainly possible to violate the values embodied in the First Amendment without violating the First Amendment itself. But the basic legal question could hardly be more straightforward, said RonNell Andersen Jones, a law professor at the University of Utah. And, she said, it should not have been lost on Mr. Hawley, who graduated from Yale Law School and served as a law clerk to Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.

“It’s become popular — even among those who plainly know better — to label all matters restricting anyone’s speech as a ‘First Amendment issue,’” she said. “But the First Amendment limits only government actors, and neither a social media company nor a book publisher is the government. Indeed, they enjoy their own First Amendment rights not to have the government require them to associate with speech when they prefer not to do so.”

(Emphasis added.)

 Mark Cuban explained the rights of private publishers in a free society to Sen. Hawley after the cancelation of Hawley’s book deal:

Josh, let me explain Capitalism to you. Sometimes people decide not to do business with you. It’s their decision. You know the whole “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service” thing? In your case it happens to be “No Principles, No Honesty, No Book” thing. Feel free to Self-Publish.

 Maggie Haberman and Michael Schmidt report Trump has not lowered flags in honor of an officer who died from injuries sustained amid the riot:

President Trump has not ordered the flags on federal buildings to fly at half-staff in honor of Brian D. Sicknick, a police officer who was killed after trying to fend off pro-Trump loyalists during the siege at the Capitol on Wednesday.

While the flags at the Capitol have been lowered, Mr. Trump has not issued a similar order for federal buildings under his control. A White House spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment.

Mr. Sicknick, 42, an officer for the Capitol Police, died on Thursday from brain injuries he sustained after Trump loyalists who overtook the complex struck him in the head with a fire extinguisher, according to two law enforcement officials. Hours earlier, addressing supporters at a rally steps from the White House, Mr. Trump denounced the 2020 election as stolen from him and instructed them to march “peacefully” to the Capitol while also repeatedly noting that his side needed to “fight.”

Mr. Trump has not reached out to Mr. Sicknick’s family, although Vice President Mike Pence called to offer condolences, an aide to Mr. Pence said.

Inside NYC’s new Penn Station train hall:

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Film: Tuesday, January 12th, 1 PM @ Seniors in the Park, The King of Staten Island

This Tuesday, January12th at 1 PM, there will be a showing of The King of Staten Island @ Seniors in the Park, in the Starin Community Building:

Rated R (Language, Sex, Drugs)

2 hours, 16 minutes (2020)

A semi-biographical film of Pete Davidson, a member of the ensemble of “Saturday Night Live.” At age 24, he still hasn’t come to grips with the passing of his firefighter father, a victim of 9/11.

Also stars Marisa Tomei, Bill Burr, Steve Buscemi, and Machine Gun Kelly.

Masks are required and you must register for a seat either by calling, emailing or going online at There will be a limit of 10 people for the  time slot. No walk-ins.

One can find more information about The King of Staten Island at the Internet Movie Database.


Daily Bread for 1.9.21

Good morning.

Saturday in Whitewater will be partly cloudy with a high of thirty.  Sunrise is 7:24 AM and sunset 4:40 PM, for 9h 16m 07s of daytime.  The moon is a waning crescent with 16.3% of its visible disk illuminated.


  On this day in 2007, Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduces the original iPhone at a Macworld keynote in San Francisco.

Recommended for reading in full — 

Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny report Extremists made little secret of ambitions to ‘occupy’ Capitol in weeks before attack:

“Everyone who was a law enforcement officer or a reporter knew exactly what these hate groups were planning,” [Washington, D.C., Attorney General Karl A.] Racine said. “They were planning to descend on Washington, D.C., ground center was the Capitol, and they were planning to charge and, as Rudy Giuliani indicated, to do combat justice at the Capitol,”

On the fringe message board 8kun, which is popular with QAnon followers, for example, users talked for weeks about a siege of the Capitol, some talking about it like a foregone conclusion. Others simply debated how violent the uprising should be, and if police should be exempt.

“You can go to Washington on Jan 6 and help storm the Capital,” said one 8kun user a day before the siege. “As many Patriots as can be. We will storm the government buildings, kill cops, kill security guards, kill federal employees and agents, and demand a recount.”


A day before the rally, the investigative journalism website Bellingcat published an article detailing the online convergence of radical conservative groups with QAnon and white supremecist groups leading up to what the president promised would be a “wild protest,” specifically mentioning their online discussion about storming and burning the Capitol and specific threats directed at D.C. government officials and police.

The Washington Post published a similar article, citing specific posts on the encrypted app Telegram and Parler, a Twitter alternative, about sneaking illegal weapons into the rally. NBC News also published an article highlighting the threats, using research from Advance DemocracyInc., a global research organization that studies disinformation and extremism.

(Emphasis added.)

 Michael S. Schmidt and Maggie Haberman report Trump Is Said to Have Discussed Pardoning Himself:

In several conversations since Election Day, Mr. Trump has told advisers that he is considering giving himself a pardon and, in other instances, asked whether he should and what the effect would be on him legally and politically, according to the two people. It was not clear whether he had broached the topic since he incited his supporters on Wednesday to march on the Capitol, where some stormed the building in a mob attack.

Mr. Trump has shown signs that his level of interest in pardoning himself goes beyond idle musings. He has long maintained he has the power to pardon himself, and his polling of aides’ views is typically a sign that he is preparing to follow through on his aims. He has also become increasingly convinced that his perceived enemies will use the levers of law enforcement to target him after he leaves office.

No president has pardoned himself, so the legitimacy of prospective self-clemency has never been tested in the justice system, and legal scholars are divided about whether the courts would recognize it. But they agree a presidential self-pardon could create a dangerous new precedent for presidents to unilaterally declare they are above the law and to insulate themselves from being held accountable for any crimes they committed in office.

Closest brown dwarf star to Earth has ‘stripes’:

NASA’s TESS space telescope was used to measure brown dwarf Luhman 16B’s brightness. A University of Arizona-led research team used the high precision light data to create a visualization of the star and its atmosphere.

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Johnson & Fitzgerald: Betrayers of Wisconsin

The Journal Sentinel’s editorial board correctly contends that Ron Johnson, Scott Fitzgerald and Tom Tiffany should resign or be expelled for siding with Trump against our republic:

It was one of Scott Fitzgerald’s first votes in Congress — and he voted to give aid and comfort to an insurrection.

This is what putting Donald Trump ahead of democracy, the Constitution and the will of the citizens has wrought.

Fitzgerald was joined by fellow Wisconsin Congressman Tom Tiffany in voting with those who wanted to reject Electoral College votes in Arizona and Pennsylvania, just hours after a band of rioters roused by Trump stormed the Capitol.

They would have voted to reject the will of voters in Wisconsin as well, they said later, but they weren’t given the chance.


Fitzgerald and Tiffany were the only members of the House of Representatives from Wisconsin who joined in an insurrection built upon a foundation of ignorance and lies.

Sen. Ron Johnson decided to vote against both baseless challenges to certified votes only after our nation’s Capitol was sacked as Congress gathered to perform its simple constitutional duty to recognize the Electoral College vote.

But Johnson had been shilling for Trump and this moment for days, adding kindling to the megalomaniac’s fire, so his last-minute switch does nothing to absolve his role in stoking this shameful day in American history.

Both Johnson and Fitzgerald have Whitewater connections: Johnson in his representation of Wisconsin in the United States Senate, and Fitzgerald as the United States Representative for the gerrymandered Fifth Congressional District, of which Whitewater is a part.

If these men had their way, then Wisconsin’s certified presidential choice (the choice of Whitewater, also) would have been set aside on the basis of lies and conspiracy theories.

Well worth remembering.

Daily Bread for 1.8.21

Good morning.

Friday in Whitewater will be overcast with a high of thirty.  Sunrise is 7:24 AM and sunset 4:39 PM, for 9h 14m 45s of daytime.  The moon is a waning crescent with 26.3% of its visible disk illuminated.


  On this day in 1982, AT&T agrees to divest itself of twenty-two subdivisions

Recommended for reading in full — 

Margaret Sullivan writes The pro-Trump media world peddled the lies that fueled the Capitol mob. Fox News led the way:

“Fair and balanced” was the original Fox News lie, one of the rotten planks that built the foundation for Wednesday’s democratic disaster.

Over decades, with that false promise accepted as gospel by millions of devotees, Fox News radicalized a nation and spawned more extreme successors such as Newsmax and One America News.

Day after day, hour after hour, Fox gave its viewers something that looked like news or commentary but far too often lacked sufficient adherence to a necessary ingredient: truth.

Birtherism. The caravan invasion. Covid denialism. Rampant election fraud. All of these found a comfortable home at Fox.

In the Trump era, the network — now out of favor for not being quite as shameless as the president demands — was his best friend and promoter. So to put it bluntly: The mob that stormed and desecrated the Capitol on Wednesday could not have existed in a country that hadn’t been radicalized by the likes of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, and swayed by biased news coverage.

 The Wall Street Journal editorial board assesses Donald Trump’s Final Days:

If Mr. Trump wants to avoid a second impeachment, his best path would be to take personal responsibility and resign. This would be the cleanest solution since it would immediately turn presidential duties over to Mr. Pence. And it would give Mr. Trump agency, a la Richard Nixon, over his own fate.

This might also stem the flood of White House and Cabinet resignations that are understandable as acts of conscience but could leave the government dangerously unmanned. Robert O’Brien, the national security adviser, in particular should stay at his post.

We know an act of grace by Mr. Trump isn’t likely. In any case this week has probably finished him as a serious political figure. He has cost Republicans the House, the White House, and now the Senate. Worse, he has betrayed his loyal supporters by lying to them about the election and the ability of Congress and Mr. Pence to overturn it. He has refused to accept the basic bargain of democracy, which is to accept the result, win or lose.

It is best for everyone, himself included, if he goes away quietly.

 Jeremy Peters reports How Trump’s Allies Are Still Defending Him: Denial, Deflection, Disinformation:

This was one mob they found a way to excuse.

Even as scores of President Trump’s usually unfailing loyalists condemned him for moving too slowly to call off the swarm of demonstrators that stormed and ransacked the Capitol, many of his most vocal and visible allies in Congress, the media and conservative politics still could not bring themselves to fault him for the surreal and frightening attack carried out by people he had just urged to “fight like hell.”

They downplayed the violence as acts of desperation by people who felt lied to by the news media and ignored by their elected representatives. They deflected with false equivalencies about the Democratic Party’s embrace of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Some even tried to dispute the fact that Trump supporters were actually the perpetrators, suggesting that far-left activists had infiltrated the crowd and posed as fans of the president.

These were not isolated or trivial assertions from little-known people on the fringes of Mr. Trump’s movement. Rather, they came from some of his highest-profile allies who helped enable his rise in the Republican Party and have aided him in his unrelenting assault on anyone who questions his actions.

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‘Only with the Best and Most Serious People’

2015, Trump: “I’m going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people.”

2021: Man who posed at Pelosi desk said in Facebook post that he is prepared for violent death, QAnon supporter from Arizona dressed in fur and horns joins storming of US Capitol, and Apologists For Trump’s Mob Have Tried To Falsely Blame The Coup Attempt On Antifa.

Daily Bread for 1.7.21

Good morning.

Thursday in Whitewater will be overcast with a high of thirty-three.  Sunrise is 7:24 AM and sunset 4:38 PM, for 9h 13m 27s of daytime.  The moon is a waning crescent with 37.4% of its visible disk illuminated.


The Whitewater Fire Department Board meets via audiovisual conferencing at 6:30 PM.

  On this day in 1927, the first transatlantic telephone service is established from New York City to London.

Recommended for reading in full — 

 Dan Rather writes of the Trumpists that

All of this was predictable. It was predicted. And the lasting shame of history will be on all those who refused to act out of cowardice, ambition, or their own allegiance to an authoritarian movement.

 John Cassidy writes This Violent Insurrection Is What Trump Wanted:

Before the mob broke into the Capitol, Trump addressed a large group of his supporters who had gathered on the Ellipse, the park just south of the White House. Referring to the election, he declared, “There has never been anything like this—it’s a pure theft—in American history.” Later on, after repeating a long litany of bogus claims about voter fraud, he said, “This is a criminal enterprise.” He ended his speech by saying, “We’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Ave. . . . We’re going to try and give our Republicans—the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help—we’re going to try and give them kind of pride and boldness they need to take back our country.”

For the past four years, there has been a tendency in some quarters to downplay Trump’s incendiary rhetoric. Ever since the election, it has been incessant. With Mitch McConnell and other leading Republicans pledging to accept the election results, Trump’s attempt to bully Congress into submission was—and is—destined to fail. But, when you are dealing with would-be authoritarians like Trump, it is a mistake to focus exclusively on the formal institutions of government; the danger comes from outside the system.

Dan Barry and Sheera Frenkel report ‘Be There. Will Be Wild!’: Trump All but Circled the Date:

For weeks, President Trump and his supporters had been proclaiming Jan. 6, 2021, as a day of reckoning. A day to gather in Washington to “save America” and “stop the steal” of the election he had decisively lost, but which he still maintained — often through a toxic brew of conspiracy theories — that he had won by a landslide.

And when that day came, the president rallied thousands of his supporters with an incendiary speech. Then a large mob of those supporters, many waving Trump flags and wearing Trump regalia, violently stormed the Capitol to take over the halls of government and send elected officials into hiding, fearing for their safety.

But if the chaos in the Capitol shocked the country, one of the most disturbing aspects of this most disturbing day was that it could be seen coming. The president himself had all but circled it on the nation’s calendar.

“Big protest in D.C. on January 6th,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Dec. 19, just one of several of his tweets promoting the day. “Be there, will be wild!”

Robin Givhan writes Flying the flag of fascism for Trump:

What to call these people? To describe them as protesters is to undermine those who take to the streets in peace, who raise their voices in hopes of making the country better — not to demolish it. Are they traitors? Terrorists? Radicals? Thugs? They are all of those things — a national quilt of our worst impulses and characteristics.


And they rampaged through the Capitol posting photos of themselves and one another breaking into the offices of the speaker of the House, looting and rioting and threatening — and, at least initially, being greeted like overzealous tourists compared with the way in which some law enforcement has beaten back Black Lives Matter and racial justice demonstrators.

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Local 2021 Races in the Whitewater Area

Update: this post about local politics, with an optimistic final sentence, was published before the morning and afternoon events in Washington. It has always been true – and always will be true – that what harms the country harms the city; what stains the nation stains the city. Every moment of opposition to Trump and Trumpism has been justified; we have been proved about right about our unworthy adversaries time and again.

Original post follows — 

Whitewater, like communities across Wisconsin, will have local races in 2021 for common council and her public school board. While council races extend no farther than the city limits, the Whitewater Unified School District stretches over several communities, of which Whitewater proper is only a part.

A few remarks —

City of Whitewater. There are four seats up for election within the city, two of which (an open at-large seat and an aldermanic district seat) will be contested. Two other races (each for aldermanic district seats) are uncontested. The proportion and identity of contested and uncontested races was predictable; there are no surprises.

Whitewater Unified School District. The school district will see five candidates vie for two seats, in a process that will winnow one candidate in a February primary and the remaining four candidates to two in the April general election.

Different Conditions in the City and the District. For many years, Whitewater has been mostly stagnant, in that condition of inertia in which bodies at rest remain so absent an external force acting upon them. There is no such force in Whitewater, and anyone assessing accurately the political climate in the city would see as much. Whitewater is no longer a conservative city, but she is certainly not a radical one, either. Imagining Whitewater – of all places – as a city best by radicals who were likely to precipitate a conservative backlash was always a misguided notion.

A few non-violent protests are not expressions of radicalism; they’re the exercise of lawful freedom of speech and assembly. Most residents of Whitewater easily see as much.

The school district, however, is more divided between the city and the smaller nearby towns of which it is composed – divided by educational outlook, politics, and culture. There is not, and it’s unlikely that there will be, a consensus between parents in these divergent communities. Anyone running to produce a consensus is in for a hard time, if not disappointment. Anyone running to advocate for a particular consistency will face repeated disagreement, if not disappointment.

The pandemic didn’t create divisions within the district; the pandemic revealed divisions that have only grown year over year between Whitewater and nearby towns. The district of thirty years ago no longer exists and will not return.

Field Study. For anyone observing, assessing, and commenting about Whitewater, these elections will be a welcome opportunity for field study. A short space of time (three months until the April 6th election) will hold within statements, publications, meetings, and forums for review. It’s as though someone booked a safari only to see even more fauna and flora than the tour guide promised. (Admittedly, with the occasional hyena thrown into the assortment.)

Not a bad start to the year, actually…