
Friday Catblogging: Who’s The Best Drinker?

Robert Krulwich compares the drinking techniques of cats, dogs, and pigeons. Looking at high-speed videos of dogs and cats, he concludes that cats drink more efficiently than dogs, but that a group of pigeons beats both mammals: Say what you will about sloppy dogs or elegant cats, these three [pigeons of Brisbane, Australia] are the…

Ice Cream Eating Woodchuck

You may understandably have some disappointment with Punxsutawney Phil’s forecasting ability this year (over 81% of FW poll respondents said he was criminally liable for bad forecasting). Well, groundhogs and woodchucks are the same animal (Marmota monax), and you might want to see how contrite this groundhog/woodchuck is about his erroneous prediction from February. He’s…