
Friday Cat and Dog Blogging: Beanie Shows the Way Forward

Longtime readers know that this website has warned residents about the dangers of marauding coyotes, and their stealthy efforts to overwhelm civilization and rule this planet.  See Coyotes Begin War Against Humanity. Reports about coyote designs on Milwaukee (part of FW’s Daily Bread post for today) show how little time is left to act. Doubtless,…

A Rare Look Inside the Secret Lives of Cougar Families

Scientists studying wild cougars, also known as mountain lions, in northwest Wyoming have been given a glimpse into the secret, snuggling social lives of the big cats’ families. A recent den study conducted by Panthera’s Teton Cougar Project analyzed the comings and goings of hard-working and affectionate mountain lion mothers using motion-triggered video cameras and collars that track the cats’…

Friday Catblogging: Cat Mummies

Amanda Erickson reports Archaeologists have discovered dozens of cat mummies in an ancient Egyptian tomb: On Saturday, Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities announced that a team of archaeologists had uncovered dozens of mummified cats, along with 100 wooden cat statues and a bronze bust of Bastet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of cats. The artifacts, found in a tomb…

Friday Catblogging: 75-year-old Wisconsin man naps with cats while volunteering at animal shelter

If anyone’s looking for a little inspiration for their post-retirement career, you could do a lot worse than taking a cue from Wisconsin’s Terry Lauerman. The 75-year-old man is a volunteer at the Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary in Green Bay. His primary job, as it seems, is to take naps with the various cats. Save Haven’s founder, Elizabeth…

Friday Catblogging: What Cats Think

Felicity Muth writes What We Understand about Cats and What They Understand about Us: One way in which we frequently attempt to interact with the animals that live with us is by pointing at things. It is possible that this shows our limitations rather than our animal friends since this is a particularly human means…

Friday Catblogging: Not Humans After All

A years-long search for a serial cat killer has found unexpected culprits. Amy Held reports London Police Outfoxed, Abandon 3-Year Search For Serial Cat Killer: It was a damp and dreary November nearly three years ago, when the London Metropolitan Police decided it was time to act. People kept calling with reports of grisly findings:…

That Time a Cat Co-Authored a Physics Paper

Eric Grundhauser writes In 1975, a Cat Co-Authored a Physics Paper: Jack H. Hetherington was a professor of physics at Michigan State University in 1975, when he finished what would become an influential and often-cited physics paper. The academic writing, entitled Two-, Three-, and Four-Atom Exchange Effects in bcc 3He, was an in-depth exploration of…