
Friday Catblogging: Cougar sighting verified in Washington County

Contact(s): Scott Walter, DNR Large Carnivore Specialist, 608-267-7865 or Dianne Robinson, Wildlife Biologist, 262-424-9827 MADISON- Video footage of a large cat submitted by landowners in Washington County has been verified by Department of Natural Resources biologists as a cougar. The animal was recorded on a security camera during the early morning hours of Feb. 7…

Friday Catblogging: Cheetahs’ ears

Animal ears may not get as much attention as cool eyes or weird noses, but the glorious cheetah owes its running prowess in part to its inner ear. The cheetah is, famously, the fastest land animal; it can run up to 65 miles per hour. During these sprints, its muscles are straining hard, but its…

Friday Catblogging: Real Cats React to Video Game Cats

????????1??????????????? — ?????? (@kanata_610) January 26, 2018 There are lots of things in Monster Hunter: World for humans to like. But what are cats into? Meowing, that’s what. Cat owners are seeing what their feline friends do when Monster Hunter’s Felyne characters get vocal. Via Real Cats React To Monster Hunter: World‘s Meowing.

Friday Catblogging: Sumatran Tiger Cubs at Disney

Two critically endangered Sumatran tiger cubs born at Disney's Animal Kingdom make their public debut. There are fewer than 500 Sumatran tigers left in the world. Disney is the parent company of ABC News. — ABC News (@ABC) December 13, 2017

Friday Catblogging: About that study of feline & canine brains…

Embed from Getty ImagesOne may have read news accounts that contend of a recent study of cats’ and dogs’ neurons suggests dogs are more intelligent. News headline may suggest that, but in fact, the actual study doesn’t draw that conclusion for the results: Dog people are gloating this week amid widespread reports that a recent study found dogs to be “smarter” than…