
Heroic Cat Saves Boy from Vicious Dog

The video, apparently compiled from security-camera footage of a California home, is entitled, ‘My cat saved my son.’  (Note: The last ten seconds show injuries for which the boy received medical treatment. His mother reports that the child needed stitches but is otherwise fine.) Via 23 ABC News.

Be The Middle Cat

In a world of polar opposites, e.g., Left and Right, Republicans and Democrats, etc., there’s gain in taking an independent path. It’s the middle cat that enjoys some meat, while others remain steadfast, but get nothing.

Friday Catblogging: The Cat Café Trend

Nekokaigi, a small cat café in Kyoto. Via Wikipedia. Here they come: A new breed of coffee shop is sweeping west across the globe from Japan, where the hottest place for animal lovers to take their tea is inside a cat café. The first Japanese restaurant to provide its customers with a roomful of feline…

Friday Poll and Catblogging: Lykoi Cats

Here’s a combined Friday poll and catblogging post. Lykoi (Wolf) Cats What do you think? I’ll say yes, but for me, it’s a soft yes. Takes a bit of getting used to them, I suppose… Cat fanciers have a new breed to enjoy – not yet recognized officially, but striking nonetheless – the Lykoi Cat.…