
Friday Catblogging: Who’s The Best Drinker?

Robert Krulwich compares the drinking techniques of cats, dogs, and pigeons. Looking at high-speed videos of dogs and cats, he concludes that cats drink more efficiently than dogs, but that a group of pigeons beats both mammals: Say what you will about sloppy dogs or elegant cats, these three [pigeons of Brisbane, Australia] are the…

Friday Catblogging: The Bad Kitty Website

Frustrated cat owners (a.k.a. undeserving people without sufficient patience) now have a website where they can post photos of their cats: There’s a curiosity about this, of course: most people would conclude that cats cannot read, and that these photos of cats posed with signs declaring their culpability for supposed misdeeds are intended only…

Friday Catblogging & Poll: Elegant or Evil Glint?

Over at the Daily Mail, there’s a story about a Romanian cat show, with 200 cats in competition.  (See, “Their beauty must be on the inside! Some of the world’s most miserable looking cats enter competition to find most attractive feline (though at least one of them was adorable!”). Needless to say, it’s hardly a…

Friday Catblogging: One of the World’s Oldest Cats?

Twenty-seven’s certainly impressive: Waddy the Cat is celebrating a milestone birthday.The British feline turned 27 years old on March 6 — which could make him one of the oldest cats in the UK, the Times & Citizen reports. “He’s like a little old man, really. He gets up, goes out, comes in, has his food…