
Friday Catblogging: The Slow Blink

Embed from Getty Images Michelle Starr writes Scientists Confirm You Can Communicate With Your Cat by Blinking Very Slowly: In a study published in 2020, scientists observed cat-human interactions, and were able to confirm that this act of blinking slowly makes cats – both familiar and unfamiliar animals – approach and be receptive to humans. ….…

Friday Catblogging: The Case for Cats

Embed from Getty Images Katherine Wu makes The Case for Cats (‘Cats are a biological marvel. That’s not (the only reason) why I love them’): My spouse and I both grew up as die-hard dog people, but now, in the clear light of adulthood, we’re a pair of cat converts. For me, at least, it’s tough…

Friday Catblogging: In Britain, It’s Cat v. Fox

Larry the Cat, a sixteen-year-old tabby, lives at the British prime minister’s residence at 10 Downing Street. He brooks no opposition from the marauding foxes that plague London. In the video below, Larry fends off a fox near Downing Street. See Larry the Cat chases much larger fox from Downing Street for full details of…

Friday Catblogging: Three White Tiger Cubs Born at Delhi Zoo

Via Delhi Zoo announces birth of three extremely rare white tiger cubs: “We are pleased to inform you of the birth of three tiger cubs. Mother and all the three cubs are doing fine. Mother is nursing the cubs regularly and taking proper care. All the three cubs, like their mother, are white in colour,”…

Friday Catblogging: Galina Bugaevskaya’s Cats as Royalty

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by ??? ???????? ? (@koty_vezde) Via Artist Reimagines Cats as Royalty in Traditional Portraits of People: When looking at old works of art, it’s not uncommon to find a feline companion somewhere in the composition. Artist Galina Bugaevskaya (aka Cat Universe on Instagram), however, reimagines…