Corporate Welfare

Unqualified, Callow Political Hack Resigns from Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

Over at the WEDC, the deputy secretary of that troubled agency has resigned: [Ryan] Murray’s departure comes three months after he was criticized in a resignation letter written by Lee Swindall, WEDC’s vice president of business and industry development, that was made public in September. Saying that Murray confused “rigid control with stability and sound…

Will the last one to leave please turn out the lights?

JANESVILLE—The city of Janesville is losing its second economic development staff member in as many months. Ryan Garcia, the city’s economic development coordinator announced his resignation effective Nov. 15, according to a city release Wednesday… Via (subscription req’d)  Janesville economic development coordinator resigning @ Janesville Gazette. Perhaps the economy-meddling, big-government conservatives at the Gazette will…

WEDC Claims Success by Writing Off Bad Loans

Wisconsin has had years of embarrassments from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, of economic manipulation, of picking supposed winners as though party hacks would know better than markets. It was a method bound to disappoint. These smarmy men at the WEDC have been trying to show progress on the millions of bad loans they’ve made.…

In a City of Sixty-Thousand, Fifteen People Aren’t a Sign of Community Enthusiasm

Nearby Janesville is considering a downtown revitalization, and at the most-recent meeting for the large & expensive proposal, only fifteen-people attended.  The Gazette wrote about the plan with this headline: Last meeting for Janesville’s downtown plan doesn’t reflect ‘widespread championship’ (subscription req’d).  Well, no, it doesn’t.  (The online version of the Gazette had a more…

The New (But Old) Zero-Sum Game

Over at Rock Netroots, Lou Kaye makes this accurate observation about how most local communities’ officials understand development: For the most part, city leaders here [he’s referring to Janesville] and across Wisconsin not only believe that communities are in competition with one another, they vigorously support and fuel those concepts by carving out special slush…

WEDC Afflicted with Internal Strife

Not long ago, Messrs. Telfer, Knight, and Clapper met in Whitewater with Reed Hall, so-called CEO of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, to ‘celebrate’ another round of public money in the service of crony capitalism. These gentlemen must have thought – somehow – that all this would look grand and spectacular, that it would be…

At WEDC-Sponsored Tech Festival, Local Company Announces a Move to Ohio

The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation – it should more accurately be called the Wisconsin Economic Disaster Corporation – had yet another embarrassment this week. At the WEDC-sponsored ‘Forward Technology Festival‘ in Madison, a local company announced that it was moving…to Ohio. The Journal Sentinel reports that Aver Informatics Inc., a health information technology start-up, moved…

‘The Future Writes the History of the Present’

It’s an oft-repeated truism that the future writes the history of the present. That’s true in Whitewater as much as anywhere.  It is a truth (like the most important truths) apart from both independent present-day commentary and contrasting, mendacious marketing and press-flacking.  All the marketing in the world cannot shield against this simple question from…

Local Crony Capitalism via the WEDC (and similar schemes)

Whitewater’s had a decades-long problem of a few town insiders manipulating government and public resources for their own private ends.  That time is drawing to a close, but there are yet some years ahead in which aging, mediocre town figures will push their self-promoting lies.  As their chief motivation is personal vanity and pride, they’ll…

Crony Capitalism: Wrong, Erroneous, and Laughable

Across America, from among left, small-government conservatives, and libertarians, a coalition now works to turn the tide against crony-capitalism and white-collar welfare.  They will succeed, as America’s political tradition will reject the manipulation of the country’s political-economy for the selfish, rigged ends of well-fed men.  Sometimes, these critiques against crony capitalism will be deservedly severe;…