
Wes [Benedict of the LP] for Wesley Snipes | Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party issued the following press release about tax protester Wesley Snipes. Note that Snipes was acquitted(!) of tax fraud and conspiracy, but he’s been sentenced to three years’ imprisonment on a misdemeanor conviction merely for being a non-filer. Wes for Wesley Snipes Why men can’t jump on Wesley Snipes WASHINGTON – Wes Benedict,…

A free pamphlet about illicit drugs that every reporter should download – By Jack Shafer – Slate Magazine

Drug addiction is a serious problem, and one compounded when bad information substitutes for good — Where do most people get their information about drugs? From the press. And where does the press get its information? Primarily from other misinformed journalists, lazy cops, grieving parents, clueless drug counselors, spurious Web sites, and gibbering druggies. By…

Milwaukee FBI agent trips up Russian ‘king of spam’ – JSOnline

Authorities say he was the king of spam, a 23-year-old Russian controlling a network of infected computers generating 10 billion unwanted e-mails a day – a third of the global spam stream – until a Milwaukee FBI agent unplugged the operation. Now, Oleg Nikolaenko awaits a hearing in federal court in Milwaukee, where he is…

Repetitive Failures from the Wrong Approach

Following a house party at which over one-hundred people were cited for underage drinking, Whitewater’s long-tenured police chief, James Coan, announced that two people hosting the party would be cited for violations amounting to six-thousand dollars apiece. (What they’ll actually pay may be a different matter.) See, Residents fined $12,000 from party bust. (I’ve written…

La Crosse Tribune: Mr. Pancake Wins Early Release

Time off for generous behavior – An Ohio judge has granted early release to an inmate who was fired from a jail’s kitchen for handing out too many pancakes…. While in jail the forty-four year old inmate earned the nickname Mr. Pancake. La Crosse Tribune: Mr. Pancake Wins Early Release.

Citations and Drinking

Last week, police in Whitewater broke up a large drinking party at a house on Highland Street. They issued one-hundred thirty-two citations. See, Police issue 132 citations at Whitewater party. I am a supporter of neither a drinking nor a drug culture; they hold no allure for me. Drinking in a house with a hundred-fifty…

Massachusetts Man to Be Charged with Toilet Paper Assault

Shouldn’t whistling while working be commendable? A Massachusetts man is facing an assault charge for allegedly hitting a town hall custodian on the back of the head with a roll of toilet paper because he was angry the cleaning man was whistling while he worked. See, Massachusetts Man to Be Charged with Toilet Paper Assault.

Filling Up Prisons Without Fighting Crime: Mark Kleiman on American’s Criminal Justice System

When you look around your community, do you feel that politicians’ and bureaucrats’ policies have reduced crime, or do you feel that they’re merely treading water, with every supposed ‘victory’ followed by subsequent crimes? Even small communities spend big sums on crime-fighting, but many of these efforts make no dent in crime. Carrying on as…