
Ten down, forty to go

Wisconsin’s still stuck: The Associated Press has learned that President Barack Obama on Thursday will free 10 states from the strict requirements of the Bush-era No Child Left Behind law. The move gives long-sought leeway to states that promise to improve how they prepare and evaluate students. A White House official says the states are…

Disability rights advocates warn of special education cuts

Balancing the budget on the backs of the vulnerable: The Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Group sent a letter this week to federal education officials and members of the states congressional delegation, urging them to stick with federal rules requiring school districts not to reduce the amount of money they spend on special education. Via Milwaukee…

Additional State Budget Cuts, Lapse Provisions, and the Failure of State Planning

A reader kindly passed along an email from UW President Kevin Reilly to the entire UW System about additional budget cuts proposed for Wisconsin’s public universities. I’ve included the content of Reilly’s message below. Readers may have different opinions about all this, but even staunch supporters of the Walker Administration should see this as (at…

Whitewater Has No Reason to Worry About ‘No Child Left Behind’ Results

There’s a story at the Gazette, that nicely summarizes area schools’ performance on the federal government’s ‘No Child Left Behind’ (NCLB) standards. Although one school in Whitewater appears on the list, there’s no reason for concern: the challenge is so limited that it holds no overall meaning or statistical significance for our schools. Whitewater shows…

Wheels to Whitewater program brings Latinos to university campus — Walworth County Today

Here’s a great idea, described in a press release of the Delavan-Darien School District, to give prospective college students a chance to learn about university life: Delavan-Darien High School Latino students had a chance to visit UW-Whitewater recently as part of the University’s Wheels to Whitewater program, according to the Delavan-Darien School District blog. The…

Charter Schools Naturally Depend on Sound Charters

I’ve been asked about a charter school for my small town. Whitewater, Wisconsin may have a public charter school next year. The Whitewater Unified School District received a grant for planning, and may receive additional funding for a school. See, Whitewater charter school on track for 2011. Charter schools typically have support across politics, and…