
Nass Runs for 11th Senate District

Of course he’s running: Longtime GOP state Rep. Steve Nass will run for the open 11th Senate District, an aide tells Nass is jumping into the race for the 11th SD after Sen. Neal Kedzie, R-Elkhorn, announced yesterday he would not seek re-election to the heavily GOP seat in southern Wisconsin. A reminder to…

Low Comedy in 3, 2, 1…

Democrats have three choices for the 15th District Senate Primary: Evansville’s Assembly Rep. Janis Ringhand, Janesville-native Austin Scieszinski, or former Assembly Speaker Mike Sheridan.  One sometimes encounters a politician who simply refuses to remain a former politician, and when one encounters such a person, that discovery probably sounds like Mike Sheridan.  (He’s reportedly walking about,…

On the Spring General Election 2014

A few observations on yesterday’s election — The 4th District Council Race.  Despite experiencing the most negative campaign in recent memory, Lynn Binnie won reelection handily over Paul Yvarra.   Of the two-candidate vote (excluding write-in votes), Mr. Binnie received 283 to Mr. Yvarra’s 111. By percentage, that’s a winning share of 71.8% of the…

A Dodgy and Deceptive Campaign

Of our local elections, with a spring general election next Tuesday, one may confidently say two things. First, there is one contested Whitewater election on the ballot, between incumbent Lynn Binnie and Paul Yvarra for the 4th Council District. Second, and sadly just as true, the Yvarra campaign is running the most error-prone and deceptive…

The Spring Local Election Outlook

Whitewater’s local election list is now available, and as with most years, it’s a mostly-uncontested affair. There are no challengers for the WWUSD School Board seats, and only Aldermanic District 4 has challengers for a seat on Council. (District 4 has always produced a fair share of candidates for one office or another; it’s a…

Whitewater’s Notice of Spring Election

It’s fall, but our spring elections (the process actually beginning in late fall) will not be that long away. Appearing below is a City of Whitewater notice about those races: Councilmember Positions up for election in 2014. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at an election to be held in the City of Whitewater, Wisconsin, on…

Assessing Whitewater’s April 2, 2013 Vote

Here’s a quick analysis of local political results. Precinct detail is available online for Walworth and Jefferson Counties, and statewide totals (including limited local information for Whitewater) is available online at the Journal Sentinel. Singer-Crone At-Large Contest. The only citywide council race finished 724-452 (12 write-in votes). That’s 61%-38%-1%, in a city that mostly picks…

Whitewater’s Candidates for April 2nd

I’ve posted earlier about a March 16th candidates’ forum in Whitewater. This post continues a discussion about the upcoming election, in which candidates for council aren’t the only candidates on our local ballot. A few additional remarks appear below, about the races and candidates. Unopposed is a bad thing. Most of our races, for common…