Government Spending

The City of Whitewater’s 2013 Budget: CDA & Bus

Whitewater’s Common Council considered four budget items at length during her 11.13.12 session. I’ll address now the first two of those four, immediately below. The Community Development Authority Budget. Someday, one hopes, Whitewater’s Community Development Authority won’t require tens of thousands from the City of Whitewater’s general fund, as it does now, since the CDA…

Ceaseless Press Errors About the So-Called ‘Innovation Express’

There’s a recent story over at the Daily Union that repeats a prior distortion about thousands in public funds for a bus to cart a few private workers of multi-billion-dollar Generac to their homes far outside Whitewater after work. The whole proposal is an exercise in crony capitalism. I’ve written about the mistaken use of…

The City of Whitewater’s 2013 Draft Budget: Crony Capitalism

So a multi-billion-dollar corporation (market cap $1.77 billion) wants thousands of taxpayer-dollars from a small city to fund a bus the corporation uses to shuttle her workers to and from other towns where they actually live.  The city being imposed upon is Whitewater, Wisconsin, a tiny municipality, like many others, struggling just to balance her annual operating budget. Whitewater’s situation involves juggling to find ways…

The City of Whitewater’s 2013 Draft Budget (Tax Incremental Financing)

What’s tax incremental financing? It’s the creation of a tax district where a municipality spends public funds for improvements in roads, etc., to encourage private investment in that blighted area. The hoped-for revenue from that additional – incremental – new private investment goes to pay for the municipal spending on roads, etc. It’s an if-you-build-it-they-will-come…

The City of Whitewater’s 2013 Draft Budget

Whitewater’s municipal administration released its draft 2013 budget to the public last Friday. I’ve linked to it below (where readers can review, download, or print the one-hundred fifty page document). Common Council will begin consideration of the budget tonight, with tonight’s discussion addressing a portion of the full proposal: Revenues-General Fund, Debt Service-Revenue and Expense,…

Why there’s Room and Reason to Reduce the Military Budget

There’s much worry – but not reasonable worry – about the imposition of sequestration, across-the-board cuts to reduce overspending, on America’s military budget. Our fundamental security will always come from a healthy economy that fosters the economic growth and innovation that makes a professional, well-equipped military possible. Second, we would still have an unmatched military…

Attack of the Prissy Administrators

People spend vast sums on public education, and some of that money’s wasted every time a principal or superintendent denies a valedictorian his or her diploma for saying the word hell in a commencement speech. Has that ever happened? Yes, at least once, and that’s once too often: Prague High School is withholding Kaitlin Nootbaar’s…

Questions for the Press about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings

This week, I’ve posted a series of general questions about a proposed deal with Green Energy Holdings for a waste digester. See, Preliminary & General Questions about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings and Questions for the CDA about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings. (For a comprehensive list of all posts about this proposal,…

The Innovation Express Generac Bus: ‘Public Transit Is Not Expected to Make Money’

The ‘Innovation Express’ – even less efficient, more costly, and more unjustified as crony capitalism than anyone might have thought! There are two stories at the Janesville Gazette that do their damnedest to justify federal, state, and local subsidies ($83,005) for a bus that benefits principally a few workers from multi-billion-dollar Generac, but even cheerleading…