Joe Biden

The Economic Gap Between Biden and Trump Counties

While Biden has won an absolute majority of the popular vote, he’s also won that majority from counties significantly more productive than the counties Trump won. A stark difference between counties that went for Biden and those that went for Trump is the significantly higher share of gross domestic product in Biden-supporting counties. (The gap…

Former Trump Campaign Leader for Biden

Jessica Denson lead the Trump campaign’s Hispanic engagement effort. Now she’s speaking out against his “vile, self-serving” candidacy. “Donald Trump does not care about the welfare of the people. Everything that the Trump campaign champions is a complete lie, and it is to the detriment of the American people.” Hear more testimonials from all over…


Donald Trump says he’ll never come back to states like Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina— even America itself if he loses. We can think of worse things. Make sure you have your plan to vote Biden-Harris this election by visiting