
La Crosse Tribune: Ohio Elections Office Hides Elephant, Donkey After Compliant

In a central Ohio county, a libertarian candidate complained about the presence of an elephant and donkey figurine on the counter of the elections board office. County officials removed the major political parties’ figurines from the counter. Although I understand that bias in favor of major parties, against alternatives, is objectionable, libertarians should focus on…

When (Canadian) Bureaucrats Attack

Kevin Libin, of the Canadian National Post has a story about how Canadian officials are bullying a libertarian family of immigrants to Canada from what was Soviet-occupied Poland. They left a dictatorship, but they’ve run into the soft, oppressively bureaucratic culture of modern-day Canada. (Sadly, something like his story might easily happen in countless places…

Senator Feingold’s Re-Election Prospects

Tom Bevan of Real Clear Politics asks, Will Feingold Get Swept Away by GOP Wave? I don’t know if Senator Feingold will be re-elected; I do know that his possible defeat should leave libertarians with mixed feelings. For although we oppose campaign finance restrictions and a big (spending) government, in many other ways Senator Feingold…

Are Jedi Knights Libertarians or Socialists?

It’s impossible to watch the Star Wars saga and not like Jedi Master Yoda. He’s one of the great science fiction characters of all time. He’s not the only Jedi, however, and over at the Atlantic, Max Fisher asks of those guardians of the Old Republic: “Are Jedi Knights Libertarian or Socialist?” Fisher notes that…

“Libertarian Influence”

At Fox Business, the topic’s “Libertarian Influence,” as Judge Andrew Napolitano talks with Nick Gillespie, Virginia Postrel, and John Stossel about the increasingly libertarian direction of American politics. Watch the latest video at Link:

Wisconsin Independent Parties Struggle to Keep Places on Ballot

The inability of Libertarians and Greens to field more candidates affects ballot access in the future. They will have to wait until 2012 to regain qualified status. In the meantime, thousands of green or libertarian-leaning voters will influence races within major party contests. It’s really the difference between being libertarian and Libertarian. See, Libertarian and…

Do Libertarians Like Their Message? You Bet We Do

There’s a story from Indiana about how libertarians are fairing in that traditionally Republican state. Entitled, Libertarians Like Their Message, it describes a libertarian candidate as knowing that “your chances of winning are remote, but your goal is to finish as strong as possible and keep building for the future.” That’s true for those libertarians… Lessons From LeBron – What Clevelanders Should Really Be Pissed About

I’ve posted before about libertarian Drew Carey’s series for on ways to revitalize Cleveland (“the mistake on the lake.”) Those ways did not, and never will, include demonizing LeBron James for taking a job in Miami. Here’s a follow-up to the Reason Saves Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey series, entitled, Lessons From LeBron: Link:…

Cathy Young on Racism, Civil Rights, and Libertarians

There’s been a controversy over remarks that Rand Paul, a Republican candidate for U.S. senate made, about the 1964 Civil Rights Act. While on an MSNBC program, Paul (the son of libertarian-leaning Republican Ron Paul) implied that he supported the right of private private businesses to decide whom to serve. (The 1964 Act prohibits the…

Nat Hentoff, Civil Libertarian

John Whitehead, who founded the Rutherford Institute, a right-leaning civil liberties organization, has an essay at the RI website about civil libertarian Nat Hentoff, formerly of the Village Voice, among other publications. See, Nat Hentoff: A Civil Libertarian Takes on Obama and the World. Hentoff, a contrarian, and a bit of a cranky one, is…