
Deep Below the Water’s Surface…

Accompanying text for the video from the Schmidt Ocean Institute: Video of a newly discovered species is now the world’s deepest known fish recorded at 8,143 m depth. The fish has a novel body form that has not been seen before. It stunned scientists because in other trenches, there is only one fish species at…

Film: Carnivora Gardinum

Embedded below is Chris Field’s “biolapse film of carnivorous plants. Over a year of effort, with 107 days of straight shooting with 2 cameras.” Carnivora Gardinum from chris field on Vimeo.

‘The Private Life of Deer’

Last night, I discovered a documentary entitled, ‘The Private Life of Deer,’ about the habits of deer that live close to people, sometimes in suburban areas. Having stumbled upon it by chance, the program held my attention from the start, and left further channel surfing unnecessary. Here’s the full video, embedded below: Enjoy.

On Photographing the Milky Way

Former SpaceX engineer Ian Norman runs Lonely Speck, a site that teaches aspiring astrophotographers how to take pictures of the night sky. This splendid vignette reveals the art and passion behind his work, with stunning wide-field landscape shots of the Milky Way set against the deserts of Reno, Nevada. “It puts into perspective just how…

Sounds: Inside a Bat Cave

What would it sound like to be in a cave with bats, in a bat hibernaculum? With the recording below, designed for listening with headphones to simulate being surrounded by bats’ sounds, you’ll know. (Headphones make a discernible difference – it’s really quite something.) There are other tracks in the series, too: lemurs, humpback whales,…