
The Exciting Season

The Ancients saw (as some peoples still see) autumn as the beginning of the year: one’s calendar started when one reaped the harvest. The year began not in the bleak months of winter, but amid the earth’s bounty, made greater through cultivation. Even now, our school year traditionally begins in deference to an agricultural schedule.…

This Weekend: Best of the Perseid Meteor Shower

From NASA’s science news, the timing of one of the year’s best celestial shows: On the nights of Aug. 11th through 13th, the best meteor shower of the year will fill pre-dawn skies with hundreds of shooting stars. And that’s just for starters. The brightest planets in the solar system are lining up right in…

Panorama: NASA’s Mars Pancam

The LA Times website offers an embedded, interactive panorama combined from over eight-hundred photos of the Martian surface. The composite is astounding. See, Panorama: NASA’s Mars Pancam @