
Friday Catblogging: Can Humans and Lions Get Along?

“Lions are really causing us havoc,” laments an African pastoralist in Nani Walker and Alan Toth’s short documentary, Living with Lions. The film chronicles the conflict between lions and humans in Laikipia County, Kenya, where drought and urbanization have pushed people and wildlife into closer contact. Conservationists attempt to mitigate the encounters, which often begin…

Friday Catblogging: Cougar sighting verified in Washington County

Contact(s): Scott Walter, DNR Large Carnivore Specialist, 608-267-7865 or Dianne Robinson, Wildlife Biologist, 262-424-9827 MADISON- Video footage of a large cat submitted by landowners in Washington County has been verified by Department of Natural Resources biologists as a cougar. The animal was recorded on a security camera during the early morning hours of Feb. 7…

Film: Hawaii – The Pace of Formation

Hawaii – The Pace of Formation from Givot on Vimeo. “Hawaii – The Pace of Formation” is a window into the creation of an island. The Kilauea Volcano’s continued flow of lava into the ocean is one of the few places in the world to provide a front row seat of an island’s formation. The…

Saturday Film: Dawn of Fire

Sunrise on Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano reveals new growth struggling to survive in an otherworldly landscape. Twenty years ago this rainforest was destroyed – but the rains continue. In a thousand years the forest will return after destruction sows space for new life.See the companion night timelapse film ‘River of Fire’:

Film: The Rhino Guardians

The Rhino Guardians from Dan Sadgrove on Vimeo. Dan Sadgrove describes his recent film on an anti-poaching group: In 2016 I travelled to South Africa to visit The Black Mambas – the worlds first all female anti-poaching unit operating in the Balule Game Reserve in South Africa. Coming from disadvantaged communities and breaking strong patriarchal…