
Friday Poll: Anticipated Summer-Blockbuster Films

I’m hoping for a good summer-movie season. Here’s a poll listing some of the films that studios are hoping will be summer blockbusters. (I’ve included a few that are already in theaters.) What looks good to you? Multiple selections are possible. Anticipated Summer-Blockbuster Films Trailers below:

Friday Poll: Record or Warn?

In New Jersey, on a highway clearly marked with warnings against truck traffic, a motorist followed and recorded a truck before and after it struck an overpass. The motorist knew that the truck was too large to fit underneath the bridges above the highway, and that it was only a matter of time before the…

Friday Poll — Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford: Optimist or Reprobate?

Rob Ford: Optimist or Reprobate? Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, the admittedly crack-smoking and heavy-drinking chief executive of that large city, now finds himself in rehab after yet another revelation that he’s still an addict. After checking himself into in rehabilitation, here’s how Ford described his initial experience in that facility: “I feel great,” he said.…

Friday Poll: Slaves to Our Devices?

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, teased others before a meeting, in Hebrew and English, about their dependency on smartphones and other electronics advices. Netanyahu is no Luddite (he was graduated from a prominent American university, and admirers and critics acknowledge his obvious intellect). Embedded below is a clip of his teasing, and then the…

Friday Poll: Brewers – Good or Lucky?

Now at 16-6 (.727), with about a month on the season – are the Brewers a good (and so much improved) team, or just lucky? April is sometimes an uncharacteristically strong month for Milwaukee, with the rest of the season descending from there. Still, I’ll say good and improved, with a solid chance to be…

Friday Poll: Favorite Easter Candy, 2014 Edition

This is the third year I’ve published a poll of readers’ favorite Easter candy. For the last two years’ time, Chocolate Rabbits have topped the poll. Let’s see how they do this year. Multiple selections are possible, as in past years — what are your favorites? Favorite Easter Candy 2014

Friday Poll: Sewage Treatment Plant as a Wedding Venue?

A sewage treatment plant in King County, Washington, proud of its location, is now advertising as a wedding venue. Does the supposedly fine view overcome the location, itself? I’ll say no – if waste treatment’s the game, it’s not worth playing. What do you think? Sewage Treatment Plant as a Wedding Venue?

Friday Poll: Wisconsin v. Arizona

Yesterday was a decisive victory for the Badgers over Baylor (69-52), and they’ll face Arizona tomorrow in the West final (a battle of numbers 1 and 2 in that bracket). So, what do you think: Badgers or Wildcats? Friday Poll: Badgers or Wildcats?

Friday Poll: The Wurst Challenge

The Wurst Challenge: Charity or Gluttony? In Ypsilanti, Michigan, a children’s art center was the beneficiary of the Wurst Challenge, in which contestants tried to eat twenty-foot-long sausages to raise money for the FLY Children’s Art Center. Participants raised more than they had hoped, for a total of about $6,000 dollars. What do you think:…

Friday Poll: Life in a Giant Hamster Wheel

Today’s poll question: would you live in a giant hamster wheel for ten days? Living in a Giant Hamster Wheel As performance art, two men are living in a giant hamster wheel for ten days: Think it’s tough living with a roommate? These two fellows are sharing a house that spins like a hamster wheel—one…

Friday Poll and Catblogging: Lykoi Cats

Here’s a combined Friday poll and catblogging post. Lykoi (Wolf) Cats What do you think? I’ll say yes, but for me, it’s a soft yes. Takes a bit of getting used to them, I suppose… Cat fanciers have a new breed to enjoy – not yet recognized officially, but striking nonetheless – the Lykoi Cat.…