
Friday Poll: Favorite Halloween Monster

It’s the last Friday before Halloween, so a poll about Halloween monsters – which do you think is the greatest Halloween scare (or, if not scariest, then most interesting)? What’s your favorite? I’d say zombies, I suppose, with werewolves a close second. What do you think? (Multiple answers are possible.) Favorite Halloween Monster

Friday Poll: Fitness Mom’s Photo

So, Maria Kang, a mother of three who exercises almost every day, posted a photo of herself on Facebook, and it’s caused a stir. She’s obviously fit, but some Facebookers contend that she’s guilty of shaming them, of insulting them with her picture: (CNN) — Maria Kang likes a good workout. And she is getting…

Friday Poll: The Dog-Defending, Raccoon-Tossing Incident

This summer, entrepreneur Kevin Rose awoke to the cries of his dog, Toaster. Rose found his dog on a stairwell outside his apartment, battling (none-too-successfully) a raccoon. Acting to protect his dog, Rose tossed the masked attacker down the stairwell. Video from security cameras recorded the encounter, and Rose placed it on the YouTube (the…

Friday Poll: The Animal-Abuser’s Fate

VILE MISCREANT Patricia Ritz, a notorious and convicted animal-abuser, died at her own home, only to be devoured after death by her own mistreated wolf-dogs. 14 News, WFIE, Evansville, Henderson, Owensboro Here’s the obvious question: Did Ritz meet the fate she deserved when she became, quite literally, a limited-edition brand of dog food? I’ll say…

Friday Poll: Hot Dog-Hurling Mascot

At a Kansas City Royals baseball game, the team mascot, Sluggerrr, threw a hot dog in the stands, hitting a spectator. The spectator sued for injuries when his retina became detached after the hot dog hit him in the eye. A lower court ruled that the fan assumed the risk of such injuries when he…

Friday Poll: Dog or… Chupacabra?!?

So, has Dr. Phyllis Canion found a chupacabra, that mysterious and legendary blood-sucking animal that haunts farms and dreams? Alternatively, is her find nothing but a screwy-looking dog? ….I never dreamt in a million years that I would see the most bizarre animal of all, on my own ranch in Cuero, Texas: an animal that…

Poll: Calling 9-1-1 Over a Spider

A teenager in Oregon noticed a spider in her house, and not knowing what to do about it, she called 9-1-1: KPTV – FOX 12 “I’m home alone and there is a giant spider on the back of my couch, and I’m talking giant. I’ve never seen a spider this big and I have no…

Friday Poll: Least-Convincing UFO Video Ever?

There’s a recently-posted video on YouTube of a supposed UFO sighting over the Taj Mahal. I’ve embedded it below, and it seems to me to be about as bogus and unconvincing as any UFO video I’ve ever seen. (They typically seem that way to me.) This one, however, looks especially staged. What do you think?…

Friday Poll: Aid to Egypt

Egypt descends into sectarian violence. See, for a current account of developments, His Options Few, Obama Rebukes Egypt’s Leaders. America provides well over a billion in annual aid to that country. Should we continue that financial support while large-scale violence continues? (Assuming we should provide aid at all?) I’ll say stop, as we’ve aided too…

Friday Poll: Dog or Spouse?

Yachtsman and Beloved Terrier So one reads that a yachtsman first saved his dog from his sinking boat, and only thereafter swam back to rescue his wife: Graham Anley, his wife Cheryl and their 9-year-old Jack Russell Rosie were sailing from East London to Madagascar for a holiday when their yacht hit a reef in…