
Friday Poll: Suspended for the Wrong Color of Green?

Public-School Shirt Color Should a child in a public school be suspended for wearing the wrong color of blue or green? At a public school in New Jersey, a child was suspended over a dispute about the color of her shirt: 8-year-old Kylie and her twin sister Karlie don’t look like troublemakers, but Kylie was…

Friday Poll: Rabbits v. Humans of Langley, Washington

Rabbits v. Langley, Washington In Langley, Washington, people are complaining that rabbits are overrunning the town: Hundreds of bunnies are running wild around Langley, on Whidbey Island. They’re burrowing holes in school football fields, destroying the foundations of buildings and posing health risks to people and their pets, according to local officials. “There is feces…

Friday Poll: Who Invented Chess?

Who Invented Chess? Here’s a surprising headline: World Chess President Claims He Was Abducted By Space Aliens — And They Invented Chess “They came in a flying saucer, picked me up, and I spent a whole day in outer space.” The story‘s over at the Huffington Post, where current International Chess Foundation president – and…

Friday Poll: Pony in a Hatchback

Shetland Pony in a Hatchback? Should a motorist be allowed to transport a Shetland pony in a small hatchback? Officers in the German town of Bad Oeynhausen stopped a motorist with a Shetland pony in her Fiat Panda hatchback: “Despite the fact the so-called Shetland pony is not bigger than some dogs, the officers quickly…

Friday Poll: Paying a Fine with Coins

< View image | Paying a Fine with Coins Pennsylvania handyman Justin Greene recently tried to pay a $25 municipal fine in pennies. Local officials in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania refused to accept his payment in 2,500 coins, erroneously contending federal law barred that form of payment for a fine. (They’ve now acknowledged that there is…

Friday Poll: Rampaging Koala

Rampaging Koala So a koala chased an Australian farmer’s ATV, caught up to it, and jumped on the back of the vehicle. What does the koala’s pursuits mean? Was it a singular event, or a harbinger of a widespread, koala war?

Friday Poll: The Mysterious Lizard Man of South Carolina

The Mysterious Lizard Man of South Carolina One reads that in South Carolina, a resident insists that she spotted a lizard man – a large bipedal reptile – walking about: BISHOPVILLE, S.C. (WCIV) — The fabled Bishopville swamp creature known as Lizard Man appears to have surfaced again Sunday afternoon. Sarah, a Sumter woman who…

Friday Poll: The Fox GOP Debate

In the Fox GOP Debate from last night, who looked best to you? Apart from your own views, but simply as a matter of comparing the candidates on stage, which one seemed the best (most capable, impressive, etc.) of the group? Fox GOP Debate Poll: Who Looked Best? See, from Fox News, clips from the…

Friday Poll: When Bison Attack

When Bison Attack, Who Should Be Responsible? View image | Some national parks in America have bison, some of those bison are ornery, some of those ornery bison will charge visitors to the parks, visitors who are charged are naturally slower than bison, and so some of those slower-than-bison visitors get gored.  The National Park…

Friday Poll: A Lion in Milwaukee?

A Lion in Milwaukee? So there are rumors that there’s a lion walking around Milwaukee. Worries over a big cat in the Cream City led to the shooting of an unfortunate pit bull, now recovering after having been mistaken for a lion. So what do you think? A lion, another kind of cat, a dog,…

Friday Poll: Bacon-Flavored Seaweed?

Bacon-Flavored Seaweed?Scientists in Oregon have created bacon-flavored seaweed: What grows quickly, is packed with protein, has twice the nutritional value of kale and tastes like bacon? The answer, according to scientists at Oregon State University, is a new strain of seaweed they recently patented. Dulse is a form of edible seaweed that grows wild along…

Friday Poll: Lane for Texting?

Texting Lanes for Sidewalks and Staircases? As a light-hearted experiment, Utah Valley University marked three lanes on a staircase, for walking, running, and texting. Is there something to that idea, as a practical solution for people who walk slowly while reading their phone screens? What do you think?