
Friday Poll: The Stressed-Out Badger

View image | The Badger’s Ire In Stockholm’s Radisson Blu Hotel, a ‘stressed-out’ badger held guests at bay for about forty-minutes: A luxury hotel in central Stockholm has come under siege by an ill-tempered badger that refused to allow any guests in or out, forcing police to intervene. “A crazy or stressed-out badger is…

Friday Poll: When to Buy Auto Insurance

The Motorist’s Insurance Claim Was a motorist committing an obvious fraud or simply confused about how accident insurance policies work? In Pennsylvania, that state’s attorney general accuses motorist Michael Traveny of calling from an accident scene to buy auto insurance: An Altoona man faces insurance fraud charges after he allegedly called to buy insurance from…

Friday Poll: The Owl-Chaser’s Accident

In Tukwila, Washington, a driver told police that he crashed his car into a utility poll because he was chasing an owl. The driver hadn’t been drinking (and likely neither had the owl). The motorist wasn’t charged with an offense. What do you think of the motorist’s explanation: understandable or insufficient? Car Accident While Chasing…

Friday Poll: Best Picture at the Academy Awards

Which Film Should Win Best Picture at the Oscars? The Academy Awards will be presented this Sunday, February 22nd. Of the eight nominees for best picture, which film do you think should win? Here are those best-film nominees: American Sniper Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) Boyhood The Grand Budapest Hotel The Imitation Game…

Friday Poll: Paraskevidekatriaphobia?

View image | It’s Friday the 13th, one of three times in 2015 that a Friday will be the 13th day of the month (February, March, November). If fear merely of the number thirteen is triskaidekaphobia, then fear of Friday the 13th is the even less-easily pronounced paraskevidekatriaphobia. (Use of Greek makes all of…

Friday Poll: Groundhog’s Bite

Jimmy the Groundhog’s Bite On Monday morning, Sun Prairie’s mayor, Jon Freund, awakened Jimmy the Groundhog to learn that animal’s weather prediction for conditions over the several weeks ahead. Jimmy decided to nip Mayor Freund in the ear: So, was Jimmy justified in taking a bite into someone who disturbed his slumber, or was this…

Friday Poll: Patriots or Seahawks?

Patriots or Seahawks? This Friday, there’s an obvious poll topic, and I’ll take it: Patriots or Seahawks? For the poll, which team do you think will win (rather than which team would you prefer to win)? As of this post, oddsmakers give a slight edge to the Patriots, but I’ll say Seahawks, and by 7.…

Friday Poll: House-Demolishing Husband

House-Demolishing Husband In Middleton, New York, James Rhein decided to tear down his home, and he did so without telling his wife: The Middletown Police Department says that when officers arrived Monday at the property owned by 48-year-old James Rhein’s (rynz) wife they found him using an excavator to knock down the house. Officers say…

Friday Poll: The Blackburn Ghost

The Blackburn Ghost In England, an occasionally nutty place, there’s a tale about a ghost in Blackburn, and now there’s video of that supposed apparition. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a video about ghosts quite like this one. The videographer proclaims that This terrifying video shows the moment a ‘ghost’ appears on a deserted…

Friday Poll: CIA or Extraterrestrials?

Extraterrestrials or CIA? One reads the CIA claims that, if one thought he or she saw a UFO in the ’50s or ’60s, the object sighted was most likely not of extraterrestrial origin, but instead a CIA project So what do you think? Were those mysterious objects that people spotted (1) alien spacecraft or (2)…

Friday Poll: Dogs as Pandas?

Dogs as Pandas A circus in Italy now finds itself on the wrong side of the law after dyeing Chow Chow dogs to look like pandas, and trying to pass them off as such. From the video below, what do you think: very convincing or are you kidding?

Friday Poll: Eggnog?

Eggnog? Yes or no on that concoction of “milk and/or cream, sugar, and whipped eggs (which gives it a frothy texture). Spirits such as brandy, rum or bourbon are often added. The finished serving is often garnished with a sprinkling of ground cinnamon or nutmeg”? I’ll say yes, in very small amounts. What do you…

Friday Poll: Rude Cakes?

Rude Cakes? Over at The Bold Bakery, baker Sarah Brockett offers cakes with insults on them, for one’s enemies. Assuming that these cakes are truly for one’s enemies (if one should even have enemies), I’m not sure what to make of them. If the pastries are good, why not simply ignore the insult and feast…