
Horses and Automobiles, Contemporaneously

For thousands of years humanity used horses as a major means of travel and transport. There were other kinds of locomotion during that long span, but until the automobile horses were a dominant part of rural and urban travel throughout much of the world. The first automobiles, considered from the perspective of horses (that is,…

Ceaseless Press Errors About the So-Called ‘Innovation Express’

There’s a recent story over at the Daily Union that repeats a prior distortion about thousands in public funds for a bus to cart a few private workers of multi-billion-dollar Generac to their homes far outside Whitewater after work. The whole proposal is an exercise in crony capitalism. I’ve written about the mistaken use of…

The Local Press as a Bad Habit

If local officials (whether elected or appointed) want to be successful, they’ll have to set higher standards for themselves than our local press sets for them. Successful leaders have been, are, and will always be those who set a better standard for themselves. There’s no partisan ideology in this – the same applies to those…

The Best Editorials are Online

No publisher is required to go online; those who wish to stick with newsprint may do so. Yet, of all publishers, there are few who don’t have, at least, a rudimentary online offering. Here’s one distinction, however, between major and minor newspapers: most major papers will put their editorials online without charge, but smaller papers…

What Whitewater’s Officials Don’t Know (or Don’t Want You to Know) about that “Green Energy” Deal

I’m not sure what would be worse – (1) an airy proposal for an energy deal for the City of Whitewater in which city officials don’t even know simple implications of the proposal, or (2) a deal in which city officials actually know how this proposal has been received elsewhere, but don’t want the residents…

Part 2: Questions for the Press about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings

This post follows a recent story (from 7.17.12) about a waste digester proposed for Whitewater, Wisconsin (see, Waste-to-energy project coming to Whitewater“). For an earlier post along these lines, see Questions for the Press about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings. 1. Does anyone think, as the 7.17.12 story states, that the City of Whitewater…

Questions for the Press about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings

This week, I’ve posted a series of general questions about a proposed deal with Green Energy Holdings for a waste digester. See, Preliminary & General Questions about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings and Questions for the CDA about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings. (For a comprehensive list of all posts about this proposal,…

When Content Doesn’t Matter Anymore

Often, one doesn’t need a medical license to tell that a person’s sick. Even without the ability to diagnose an ailment, one can see that another’s tattered clothes, lapsed hygiene, and lethargy are signs of an underlying illness. These signs point to symptoms, but those symptoms – those pains within the sick person – may…

Press Freedom Index 2011-2012 – Reporters Without Borders

2011 was a bad year for press freedoms: “Crackdown was the word of the year in 2011. Never has freedom of information been so closely associated with democracy. Never have journalists, through their reporting, vexed the enemies of freedom so much. Never have acts of censorship and physical attacks on journalists seemed so numerous. The…