
A Ninth Planet Once Again?

There are always new things to learn, and discover – There might be a ninth planet in the solar system after all — and it is not Pluto. Two astronomers reported on Wednesday that they had compelling signs of something bigger and farther away — something that would definitely satisfy the current definition of a…

Five Planets, Visible at Once

Morning skywatchers will get a special treat over the next few weeks as five of the solar system’s other eight planets will all be visible at once with the naked eye in the chilly, pre-dawn sky, weather permitting. The five bright planets that will be lined up in a diagonal line, from left to right,…

The Hon. Alex Kozinski on Good Science

The Hon. Alex Kozinski is a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.  The Ninth Circuit has jurisdiction over most federal appellate matters in the western continental United States.  Judge Kozinski is nationally know among members of the bench, and served as chief judge of the Ninth Circuit for many…

The RoboBee

For decades researchers have been trying to create this incredible vehicle, but with little success, Harvard University reported. The largest challenge has been a serious conflict in design requirements: aerial vehicles require large airfoils such as wings or a sail, while underwater vehicles need to minimize their surface area to reduce drag. To solve this problem,…