
The Trump Bubble

Over at the conservative Bulwark, there’s a published email in which the email’s author anecdotally describes how some Trump supporters are ignorant of significant daily political events: I will also point out that the same people who were extremely knowledgeable about what was going on during the Obama administration amazingly have very little knowledge of…

Brain Drain Plagues Key USDA Research Service After Trump Administration Orders Relocation

When the Trump administration relocated the United States Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service to the Kansas City area last year, about two-thirds of its employees quit their jobs rather than move. Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, called the mass resignations a “wonderful way to streamline the government.” These departures have…

He Already Has

It is difficult for reasonable and civilized people to understand the persistent of corruption and disorder in a man like Trump. The rational man or woman – guided by intellect and tradition – assumes that someone of Trump’s ilk is only in the grip of an ephemeral disorder, a passing derangement. Surely, they think, Trump…

More, and More Again

So what should Democrats do now that impeachment is over? I argue in @PostOpinions today that they should step on the gas and keep investigating the Trump admin as aggressively as they did in the Ukraine scandal. On every front. — Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) February 4, 2020              

Times of Resolution & Defiance

Churchill proposed a ‘moral of the work’ for his series The Second World War: In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill. Our times are not Churchill’s times, yet the moral of his work is suitable for us. It’s suitable for us, however, in a partial and unfinished way – we…

From Closing Arguments in the Impeachment Trial

.@RepJeffries: "Doing the right thing and being constant to our principles requires a love of moral courage that is difficult, but by no means impossible," as shown by the many public servants who spoke up against Trump's corrupt abuses of power. — The Moscow Project (@moscow_project) February 3, 2020          …

Suggestion for a Next Step

I have a suggestion for @RepAdamSchiff: Within five minutes of the Senate acquittal vote, in his capacity as House Intelligence Committee Chairman, he should (a) notice a hearing scheduled for next week and (b) present @AmbJohnBolton with a subpoena to testify at it. — Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) January 31, 2020        


One reads that U.S. deficit to eclipse $1 trillion in 2020, CBO says, as fiscal imbalance continues to widen: The U.S. government’s budget deficit is projected to reach $1.02 trillion in 2020, according to a report released Tuesday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, as the federal government continues to spend much more than it collects…