
Selected Remarks of Rep. Adam Schiff before the United States Senate, 1.24.20

?? Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., noted at the impeachment trial for President Donald Trump on Jan. 24 how consuming the impeachment proceedings have been. “I don’t know about you, but I’m tired. I’m exhausted, but I’m also deeply grateful” for the senators’ consideration of the Democrats’ point of view, Schiff said at the top of…

Selected Remarks of Rep. Adam Schiff before the United States Senate, 1.23.20

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the lead House impeachment manager, laid out the Democrats’ abuse of power case against President Donald Trump during the second day of oral arguments in the Senate impeachment trial. Schiff starts by mentioning the president’s tweet urging people to “read the transcript” on the July call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky,…

‘But Not in Conditions of Their Own Choosing’

It’s a truism to say that all people make history, but not in conditions of their own choosing: Admittedly and sadly, the local boosterism of the pre-Trump years is now in retrospect worse than one might have initially believed: across America boosters who peddled false descriptions & junk solutions during the economic hardship of the…

Battleground Wisconsin 2020

Although Trump carried Wisconsin in ‘16, and although 2020 is likely to see a hard fight against him in Wisconsin, Trump has significant obstacles he did not have in the last election. On Twitter, Joe Handrick (@joeminocqua) offers a sound analysis of Trump’s electoral position in the Badger State. Embedded below is the first of…

Demand A Fair Trial

?? Donald Trump has become only the third president in the history of the Unites States to be impeached by the House of Representatives. He stands charged with Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress. The U.S. Senate must now conduct a fair trial of this case, upholding their sworn oaths to “support and defend…

Trump Operative Lev Parnas on the Rachel Maddow Show

Last night (1.15.20), Rachel Maddow aired an interview with Trump & Giuliani operative (and federal criminal defendant) Lev Parnas. (Parnas sat with his lawyer while speaking to Maddow.) Parnas played a key role in Trump’s pressure campaign in Ukraine, a campaign designed to compel Ukraine to help Trump smear an American political opponent. If you’ve…

Self-Described ‘Very Stable Genius’

President Trump: "Anybody have a new dishwasher? I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for that, it's worthless. They give you so little water. You ever see it? Air comes out." — The Hill (@thehill) January 15, 2020                  

One Year

For all the discussion of politics over these last three years, America now comes to a critical year ahead. In these next twelve months, we’ll see primaries, conventions, a general election, and thereafter possible challenges to, and necessary defenses of, the constitutional order. When was there another year so important to America as 2020 looks…

Jay Rosen Considers the Inconsiderable Chuck Todd

Jay Rosen of NYU writes about Chuck Todd’s three-years-too-late grasp of contemporary politics: ‘Round midnight on Christmas eve, Rolling Stone posted a short interview with Chuck Todd, host of “the longest running show on television,” NBC’s Meet the Press. Its contents were explosive, embarrassing, enraging, and just plain weird. Three years after Kellyanne Conway introduced the doctrine of “alternative…