
The One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty-Seventh Day

Today is, by my way of counting, the one thousand four hundred fifty-seventh day (days since Trump’s election, with 11.9.2016 as the first day). Tomorrow will be the one thousand four hundred fifty-eighth day. If one learned that there would be fourteen thousand rather than fourteen hundred days, then still one would carry on as resolutely…

GOP Election Lawyer Ben Ginsberg: My party is destroying itself on the altar of Trump

Veteran election lawyer Ben Ginsberg writes My party is destroying itself on the altar of Trump: President Trump has failed the test of leadership. His bid for reelection is foundering. And his only solution has been to launch an all-out, multimillion-dollar effort to disenfranchise voters — first by seeking to block state laws to ease…

Former Trump Campaign Leader for Biden

Jessica Denson lead the Trump campaign’s Hispanic engagement effort. Now she’s speaking out against his “vile, self-serving” candidacy. “Donald Trump does not care about the welfare of the people. Everything that the Trump campaign champions is a complete lie, and it is to the detriment of the American people.” Hear more testimonials from all over…

Highlight’s from The Verge’s Foxconn Assessment

No failure better reveals the bankruptcy of corporate welfare in the Walker and Trump years than the Foxconn project in Wisconsin: exaggeration upon exaggeration, but nothing productive. This was a failure of judgment so obvious and significant that everyone involved should retire from policymaking. Walker Administration, Trump Administration, the WISGOP, the WEDC, down to Whitewater’s Community…


Donald Trump says he’ll never come back to states like Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina— even America itself if he loses. We can think of worse things. Make sure you have your plan to vote Biden-Harris this election by visiting

Trump Abandons the Midwest

Trump plans return visits to Wisconsin during the pandemic he’s exacerbated through lies, but long before the novel coronavirus Trump was lying to the Midwest. Catherine Rampell writes that Trump said he would bring jobs back to Ohio’s manufacturing workers. Instead, he deserted them: “It’s incredible what’s happened to the area,” he said Monday, in…

Trump’s Economy: Exaggerations, Lies, Failures

Tory Newmyer notes that Trump’s false claims about his economic record typified chaotic debate: Trump did make some claims about the economic record he has compiled in his first term. They were riddled with exaggerations and outright falsehoods. In the first half of his term, Trump’s signature tax cuts and a major spending package gave the…