From the Wisconsin ACLU, a handy summary of one’s voting rights. The document embedded below can be expanded, opened in a new window, or printed.
Freedom of Speech, Law, Liberty, Wisconsin
The Place of Peace and Honesty
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Is there a place where hundreds of thousands have protested, packed their Capitol building, nearly a million later signing election petitions, without violence, at limited public costs, and without fraud? What spot of peace and honesty, integrity and democracy, is like that? Could there even be such a place, in all the world? There is.…
Animals, Farming, New Media, Wisconsin
Celebrating Wisconsin’s Treasures @ Wisconsin Happy Farm
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
History, University, Wisconsin
On This Day in Wisconsin History: University of Wisconsin Opens
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Happy Birthday: 1849 – University of Wisconsin opens On this day in 1849 the University of Wisconsin began with 20 students led by Professor John W. Sterling. The first class was organized as a preparatory school in the first department of the University: a department of science, literature, and the arts. The university was initially…
History, Wisconsin
When a woman calmed enraged, potential draftees with crackers, refreshments
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
History, Recall, Wisconsin
History of Recall Elections in Wisconsin
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Politics, Poll, Wisconsin
On Marquette’s January Political Poll
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
I’ve posted before about a new poll, from pollster Charles Franklin, now visiting at Marquette (from UW-Madison). Link to poll: Walker and Obama have single digit leads in Marquette Law School Poll and results & data (instrument, methodology, and full topline results). Franklin’s a serious pollster and political scientist, and he’s one of the founders…
History, Wisconsin
A Wisconsin archeological blunder from 1878
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
When white settlers arrived in Wisconsin, they were intrigued by the ancient mounds that dotted the landscape. This sparked excitement about archaeology generally, and during the late 19th century the discovery of new “antiquities” fueled speculation about the state’s ancient past. It also led to one memorable blunder in 1878 concerning a find at Hartford, in Washington Co.…
Animals, Science/Nature, Wisconsin
Winter bald-eagle-watching events held around state
Well worth watching: Each winter, hundreds of bald eagles congregate along areas of the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers where they feed on fish in the open water below dams. Wildlife officials say this is the largest concentration of wintering bald eagles in the lower 48 states, offering some of the best eagle viewing in the…
Local Government, Wisconsin
Something Worse than Partisan
There’s an even-handed story at the Janesville Gazette about Wisconsin’s non-partisan local elections. Some of those interviewed are sure that partisanship is a bad thing, and that it gets in the way of serving citizens, etc. I understand this view, and however well-intentioned, it’s one with which I strongly disagree. (The story presents diverse points…
Law, Laws/Regulations, Wisconsin
The Journal Sentinel on Justice Gableman’s Receipt of Free Legal Services (and a bit about the story, itself)
Over the the Journal Sentinel, there’s a story about Justice Gableman’s deciding votes on cases in which the Michael Best & Friedrich firm represented the victorious party, despite his receipt of free legal services from that firm: State Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman in two cases cast the deciding vote in favor of parties represented…
Economy, Wisconsin
Wisconsin’s Poor Record of Job Creation
We’ve had five straight months of job losses in Wisconsin, with another 14,600 jobs, including 11,700 in the private sector, lost last month. You know, and I know, that Gov. Walker insists that Wisconsin is open for business. I’m sure it is; I’m equally sure that when most people use that expression, they’re not thinking…
Law, Laws/Regulations, Liberty, Wisconsin
The Disgrace of Wisconsin’s Photo ID Law: Rules leave village leader without right to vote
Although obviously a citizen by birth, and although she’s served on the Brokaw Village Board since 1996, Ruthelle Frank is now disenfranchised: Ruthelle Frank was born Aug. 21, 1927, in her home in Brokaw. It was a hard birth; there were complications. A doctor had to come up from Wausau to see that she and her…