
Of JoAnne Kloppenburg

On the Saturday before the April election, JoAnne Kloppenburg visited Whitewater, and I went out to see her. Like most people, I’d never seen her in person, and wanted to hear her talk. (Justice Prosser’s had a more public career, in the legislature and more recently on the court; many people have run into him,…

Post-Election Day in Whitewater

I’ll take the topics from yesterday’s election preview post in reverse order. Wisconsin. Justice Prosser did far better than I guessed; Asst. A.G. Kloppenburg certainly didn’t win comfortably. I would have thought Kloppenburg by 2-3 percent, outside the range of a recount. There will be a recount, with results now showing Kloppenburg with 739,589 and…

Election Day Curiosities

Before the polls close, a few questions of note about the spring election for the City of Whitewater, Walworth County, and Wisconsin. City of Whitewater What’s Whitewater’s turnout today? Assuming that JoAnnne Kloppenburg carries Whitewater, by what margin will she do so? (If she can’t carry places like the City of Whitewater, she’s likely in…

Consensus, Compromise, and Opposition

Here, in America’s Dairyland, a place of astonishing beauty, one finds a political preference for consensus, leading to frequent and sensible compromises, but occasionally requiring opposition. That’s true in Whitewater, too. Consensus. Of all America, I know of no place that favors consensus more than Wisconsin does. There’s speculation of how she has come to…

The 2 Reasons Muni Investors Should Be Terrified By What’s Going On In Wisconsin – Yahoo! Finance

The unexpected, and why it might be worrisome, regardless of the politics of today’s protests (and I think parts of Wisconsin’s controversy are separate from controlling costs) — For muni investors, there are two reasons to worry. The first is that nobody had Wisconsin on its list of big states to worry about going into the new…

Snowy Day

The National Weather Service offers statistics to put the present snowstorm into perspective. The current record for a day in February for Madison snowfall is 11.9 inches (on 2.6.2008) and for Milwaukee snowfall it’s 16.7 inches (2.10.1960).  We’ll see a great deal of snow over the next day, but there have been snowy days before.…

Daily Wisconsin

Earlier last month, I mentioned the upcoming launch of a second website, devoted mainly to Wisconsin and national stories. It’s up and running (at least, learning to walk) this morning. will offer news — and commentary — on events and the stories about them from across the state. In the end, every selection —…

Wisconsin’s Projected Biennial Budget Deficit

There’s much debate — more than there should be — about the size of the projected Wisconsin state budget deficit. In late November, the Doyle Administration announced a projected deficit of only about 1.5 billion dollars. As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel‘s PolitiFact Wisconsin observes, the projected deficit is closer to 3 billion dollars: An independent…

Lions, tigers and budgets, oh my! – JSOnline

It’s not a program we want to drop,” said Dale Bjorling, professor and chairman of the school’s department of surgical sciences. “When we think about our mission here – we’re a school, but we provide a service here to the people of Wisconsin.” During fiscal year 2010, the UW veterinary school, which offers both residency…