Friday Catblogging: The Turkish Van

Here are six facts about Vans that will have even the staunchest members of #TeamDog donating all of their money to a Turkish cat conservation clinic, probably.

1.  They are striking in appearance.

Turkish Vans have medium-to-long, silky white hair with just the occasional spot of color — which only appears on the head or the tail due to a pigmentation condition.

2.  Their eyes are especially captivating.

Genetically, the breed has three eye colors — blue, yellow, and green — and they are frequently mismatched, giving Turkish Vans that coveted David Bowie effect.

3.  They love to swim.

These strange kitties evolved around Lake Van, so they are predisposed to swimming. Modern Turkish Vans probably won’t leap into a random lake … but they just might jump into your pool.

4.  They play fetch.

Turkish Vans are extremely social and bond very strongly with their owners. They love attention and they love to play, even initiating games of fetch with their humans. Your move, dog lovers.

5.  They are extremely rare.

The Cat Fanciers’ Association registers approximately 100 Vans each year in the U.S., making them one of the rarest cat breeds — and proving why we need to protect them from extinction.

6.  They’re frighteningly good jumpers.

Due to their large paws and strong musculature, Turkish Van can hop from your kitchen floor to the top of your fridge without thinking twice. Who says white cats can’t jump?

Via What the Eff Is a Rare Turkish Van Cat and What Is It Doing in the Pool?

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