703 search results for "TID 4"

The City of Whitewater’s 2013 Draft Budget (Tax Incremental Financing)

What’s tax incremental financing? It’s the creation of a tax district where a municipality spends public funds for improvements in roads, etc., to encourage private investment in that blighted area. The hoped-for revenue from that additional – incremental – new private investment goes to pay for the municipal spending on roads, etc. It’s an if-you-build-it-they-will-come…

On Whitewater’s Candidates’ Forum for City Manager

Update, 9.22.12:  Embedded below is the video of the Friday evening candidates’ community forum. City Manager Candidates Forum 09/21/2012 from Whitewater Community TV on Vimeo. Original post from 9.21.12: Earlier this evening, Whitewater held a candidates’ forum for her open city manager position. There are five candidates, and it’s likely that Council will pick one of them…

See What Happens When You Delay!?! Why Can’t Whitewater Publicize Its Own Chupacabra, Lake Monster, Giant Ape, Etc.?

Yesterday, in a post entitled, Why Can’t Whitewater Publicize Its Own Chupacabra, Lake Monster, Giant Ape, Etc.?, I remarked on the cash-generating possibilities of a fabricated legendary creature for Whitewater: There’s no need to milk taxpayers — either in Whitewater or elsewhere — of millions, when a profitable venture in mythological animals might be started…

Whitewater’s Downtown

Walworthy County Today has a story online from Kevin Hoffman about downtown revitalization in small towns. Whitewater is part of that story. See, Communities work to revitalize downtown despite challenges. Challenges there have been. The Great Recession took a toll everywhere in America, and 2007-2009 are among the worst years in American economic history. And…

On Forward Whitewater

There’s a new political group, Forward Whitewater, recently formed in the city. The organization has its own Facebook page. (Note: I’ve been a libertarian critic of Gov. Walker, but I have no connection to Forward Whitewater.) Here’s the description and mission of the group, from Facebook: Description — Forward Whitewater is a group of citizens…

Review: Predictions for Whitewater, Wisconsin for 2010

Here is my early January 2010 post with predictions for the year. How did I do? Results below the post…. Here’s my local, amateur version of (the now late) William Safire’s tradition of offering annual predictions, when he was at the New York Times. The list for 2010: 1. In 2010, the University will win…

Whitewater’s Innovation Center: Grants and Bonds

Whitewater’s planned Innovation Center and Tech Park rest on a multi-million dollar federal grant and millions in federally-subsidized bonds. The grant is for $4.7 million, and here is how a page from the Economic Development Administration described the purpose for those millions: September 7-September 11, 2009 ….$4,740,809 to the Whitewater Community Development Authority, the University…

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 9-27-10

Good morning, Whitewater’s forecast calls for a clear day, with a high temperature of sixty-seven degrees. The City of Whitewater’s public hearing concerning distressed status from Tax Incremental District 4 has been postponed, pending selection of a citizen representative to the Joint Review Board. [Update, 8:10 AM — I’ve promised a post or two about…

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 9-22-10

Good morning, Today’s forecast calls for a day of dense fog with a high temperature of seventy-four degrees. There will be a meeting today in Whitewater of the Joint Review Board, from 4 to 5 p.m., concerning a designation of distressed status to Tax Incremental District 4. The meeting agenda is available online. (I will…

Recent Tweets, 8-1 to 8-7

Mass Paperback Publisher Goes All Digital — despite trepidation, other publishers will follow – Blockbuster Application hits the Android Market — Too late! no one cares about Blockbuster anymore @IJ: Licensing Gone Wild: Gov’t bureaucrats shutcrying little girl’s lemonade stand. Part of nationwide epidemic: RT @reasonmag: What motivates Congress to curb…

On Whitewater, Wisconsin’s Recent Bond Rating

Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner recently touted an A2 rating from Moody’s Investor Services. It’s what he didn’t say that’s most telling. In his January 15th Weekly Report, Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner announced an affirmation from Moody’s Investor Services of the city’s A2 bond rating. The city’s rating is assigned to the sale of…

Common Council: What Are They Building in There? (July 21st, 2009)

Here’s a latest review of City of Whitewater invoices, in honor of the Tom Waits song entitled, “What’s He Building in There?” (The song’s an ode of — but not to — paranoia, and every time that I hear it, I think of all the small-town busybodies who are sure that your business should, truly…

Daily Bread: August 18, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater Public Meetings The City of Whitewater has two public meetings scheduled today. First, the Community Development Authority Business Park Marketing Committee meets at 4 p.m. in the municipal building. The agenda for the CDA meeting includes the following items: 1. Call to order and roll call 2. Approval of the Agenda 3.…