Daily Bread for 8.30.20

Good morning.

Sunday in Whitewater will be mostly sunny with a high of seventy-six.  Sunrise is 6:18 AM and sunset 7:31 PM, for 13h 12m 11s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 92.8% of its visible disk illuminated.


 On this day in 1916, Ernest Shackleton completes the rescue of all of his men stranded on Elephant Island in Antarctica.

Recommended for reading in full — 

David A. FahrentholdJosh Dawsey and Joshua Partlow report Room rentals, resort fees and furniture removal: How Trump’s company charged the U.S. government more than $900,000:

The Secret Service had asked for a room close to the president. But Mar-a-Lago said it was too late. The room was booked. Would agents like a room across the street from the president, instead?

“I do have a Beach Cabana available,” a staff member at President Trump’s club in Palm Beach, Fla., wrote in March 2017 to a Secret Service agent seeking rooms for the upcoming weekend. “Across the street at the Beach Club, North end of the pool.”

The next time, the Secret Service didn’t take the same risk. It paid Mar-a-Lago to book rooms for two weeks at a time — locking them up before the club could rent them to others, according to newly released records and emails.

For Trump’s club, it appeared, saying no to the Secret Service had made it a better customer. The agency was paying for rooms on nights when Trump wasn’t even visiting — to be ready just in case Trump decided to go, one former Trump administration official said.

Trump has now visited his own properties 271 times as president, according to a Washington Post tally — including a visit Thursday, when he met with GOP donors at his D.C. hotel.

Through these trips, Trump has brought the Trump Organization a stream of private revenue from federal agencies and GOP campaign groups. Federal spending records show that taxpayers have paid Trump’s businesses more than $900,000 since he took office.

Margaret Sullivan writes Kellyanne Conway undermined the truth like no other Trump official. And journalists enabled her:

Former White House aide Cliff Sims wrote in “Team of Vipers” that he once sat down in the West Wing at the personal laptop of President Trump’s senior adviser, at her direction, to compose a press statement. But because Conway’s text messages were tied to both her phone and her personal computer, Sims kept getting distracted by “a nonstop stream of iMessages popping up on the screen,” he recalled.

“Over the course of 20 minutes or so, she was having simultaneous conversations with no fewer than a half-dozen reporters, most of them from outlets the White House frequently trashed for publishing ‘fake news’ … As I sat there trying to type, she bashed Jared Kushner, Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, and Sean Spicer,” and talked about Trump “like a child she had to set straight.”

After the book was published, Conway said the idea that she was a viciously critical leaker was a pure lie and that she was the furthest thing from a backstabber: “While it’s rare, I prefer to knife people from the front, so they see it coming.”

Leaking and lying. Lying and leaking. It’s been the Kellyanne way, and the news media has largely gone along for the ride: Giving her airtime on news shows, failing to forcefully call her out for her continued violations of the Hatch Act, and offering kid-glove treatment in exchange for her inside information.

Japan’s King of Carp Breeds Million Dollar Koi Fish:

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Daily Bread for 8.29.20

Good morning.

Saturday in Whitewater will be sunny with a high of seventy-seven.  Sunrise is 6:17 AM and sunset 7:32 PM, for 13h 14m 58s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 89.4% of its visible disk illuminated.


 On this day in 1997, Netflix is launched as an internet DVD rental service.

Recommended for reading in full — 

Ryan Mac reports A Kenosha Militia Facebook Event Asking Attendees to Bring Weapons Was Reported 455 Times:

In a companywide meeting on Thursday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that a militia page advocating for followers to bring weapons to an upcoming protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, remained on the platform because of “an operational mistake.” The page and an associated event inspired widespread criticism of the company after a 17-year-old suspect allegedly shot and killed two protesters Tuesday night.

The event associated with the Kenosha Guard page, however, was flagged to Facebook at least 455 times after its creation, according to an internal report viewed by BuzzFeed News, and had been cleared by four moderators, all of whom deemed it “non-violating.” The page and event were eventually removed from the platform on Wednesday — several hours after the shooting.

“To put that number into perspective, it made up 66% of all event reports that day,” one Facebook worker wrote in the internal “Violence and Incitement Working Group” to illustrate the number of complaints the company had received about the event.

BuzzFeed News could not verify the content on the militia page or its associated event because they had been removed from the platform. A previous story from the Verge noted that the page had issued a “call to arms” and hosted a number of commenters advocating for violence in Kenosha following the police shooting of 29-year-old Black man Jacob Blake.

A Facebook spokesperson declined to comment.

Shirin Ghaffary reports Facebook banned violent militia groups. We still found plenty of them on its platform:

Just last week, Facebook finally banned militia groups and pages that advocate for violence on its platform. But Recode’s quick Facebook search for “militia” groups and pages on Friday surfaced over a dozen results for national and local militia groups, most of them private, with many of them openly calling for violence against protesters.

Two of these groups that Recode accessed had a combined 25,000 members and included posts where members encouraged and celebrated shooting people involved in recent Black Lives Matter protests. Some groups did not contain “militia” in the title but still encouraged members to take up arms. One page, called the “The III% Organization,” contained overtly racist and violent posts, such as a meme comparing BLM protesters to dogs and joking about running them over with a car.

After Recode flagged seven of these groups and pages to Facebook, the company took down four of them for violating its policies, and said it independently took down another.

Jason Owens reports NBA arenas across the country to be used as polling places because of player strike:

NBA owners agreed to work with local election officials to provide each league arena as a polling place for November’s elections or find an alternative if regulations don’t allow it.

From the agreement announced on Friday:

Every arena that is owned and operated by the team will work with local election officials to convert the facility into a polling place for the upcoming 2020 election. If the deadline to do that has passed, the team will work with officials to find a different use for the building to support the 2020 election.

Sun-like star and its 2 giant planets imaged for first time:

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Daily Bread for 8.28.20

Good morning.

Friday in Whitewater will be cloudy with a high of eighty-five.  Sunrise is 6:16 AM and sunset 7:34 PM, for 13h 17m 43s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 78.1% of its visible disk illuminated.


 On this day in 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. gives his I Have a Dream speech.

Recommended for reading in full — 

Elie Mystal writes We Need to Talk About the GOP’s ‘Black Friends’:

You can tell that the Republicans are engaging in tokenism at their convention if you listen to the content of the speeches given by Black speakers instead of being preoccupied (as I suspect many Republicans are) with the fact that they are talking while Black. Close your eyes, and you will hear their silence on issues of racial and social justice. The Black speakers, like the rest of the Republican Party, offer no agenda to extend economic or social opportunities to people of color. They offer no policy prescriptions to address police brutality or violence against Black people. They offer no rebuttals to the assaults on voting rights or immigrant rights the Trump administration engages in. And they’ve been as silent about the disproportionate toll Covid-19 has taken on communities of color as Herman Cain.

The Black people who were allowed to speak at this convention were there to transmit one message to white listeners: “It’s OK.” Trump’s racism is OK, because here’s one of Trump’s Black golfing buddies. Cops and vigilantes’ shooting black people is OK, because here’s a Black ex-con who complied with the police and is still alive. Caring only about your own pocketbook and 401(k) is OK, because here’s a Black guy who started his own business and made a lot of money. All of them wanted to talk about their individual experiences with Trump. None of them wanted to talk about systemic issues facing Black people who don’t have the benefit of knowing a Trump (or a Kardashian) personally.

Jane Lytvynenko reports RNC Video Showing Rioters In “Biden’s America” Is Actually Spain:

On the first night of the Republican National Convention, the party aired a segment featuring Catalina and Madeline Lauf warning of dire consequences if Democratic candidate Joe Biden is elected president.

“This is a taste of Biden’s America,” one sister says in a voiceover as images of protests play onscreen. “The rioting, the crime. Freedom is at stake now and this is going to be the most important election of our lifetime.”

The problem is that one of the images in the segment doesn’t show the US at all — it shows Spain.

As first reported by Catalonian public broadcaster CCMA and independently verified by BuzzFeed News, one of the four images of protests was filmed in October 2019 in Barcelona. Protests broke out in the city after Spanish courts sentenced Catalan separatist activists to prison. The image used during the RNC video showed fires burning in the streets. One of those same streets can be seen as being in Barcelona by using Google Street View.

Sarah Shevenock reports With Schools Closed, PBS Doubles Down on Offering Digital Content:

While subscription streaming services have proven beneficial for legacy media companies during the COVID-19 pandemic, PBS has sought to emphasize its free educational material by expanding its digital offerings.

Jonathan Barzilay, PBS’ chief operating officer, said the company worked quickly to pivot to meet the educational needs of children, both over the air and online, after schools across the country were shut down in March.

March of the microscopic robots:

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Snyder’s On Tyranny

Prof. Timothy Snyder’s On Tyranny: ‘Lesssons from the Twentieth Century’ (2017) recently came my way. By design, it’s a brief presentation of twenty lessons that Snyder has discerned after a long career as a historian, with significant study and research on twentieth-century European history.

It’s a small, inviting pamphlet addressing a big, unwelcome subject.

We’ve reached the point, and probably reached it some time ago, when many on Snyder’s list of tyranny’s characteristics apply, at least in a rudimentary way, to this federal administration and its reach into American life.

The strongest evidence of this is the Republican convention: the party no longer advances a liberal democratic ideal. It rejects the existing constitutional order in favor of a herrenvolk state under an autocrat’s whims. This is a fascist party under Trump.

Preservation of a free and just civil society demands that Trump be defeated; candor about our present condition compels one to acknowledge that he has built a major American party into a fascist one.

Trump’s dark inspiration and accomplishment is doing what the Bund was never able to do.

Some years ago, when I began to mark the days since Trump’s election, someone wrote to ask why I was so focused on him. Why, of all places, would I do so in Whitewater, Wisconsin? Were there not other issues? And after all, were the city and nearby places not chock-a-block with red-hatted followers of Trump? Why risk alienating those people?

Trump deserves attention in the way that a rabid creature deserves attention, Trumpism deserves attention in the way that a suppurating wound deserves attention. Trump and Trumpism are destructive of liberty, justice, and morality.

Whitewater is not a place part from America, however much some might pretend so.

As it turns out, however, this website has done better each year over the year before, and one might hope that says something about the value of holding fast to reason and tradition, on local or national topics.

And yet, and yet — the price of alienating some would, in any event, be imperceptible as against defending sound principles that should be, as our forefathers believed, self-evident.

There’s nothing extraordinary about seeing as much, or doing as much. It’s the least that one should see and do, and so brings no credit.

What’s extraordinary is the size and power of the threat the American constitutional order now faces.

It’s hard to tell precisely what hour this is, but Snyder’s pamphlet suggests the hour is now into the evening.

Daily Bread for 8.27.20

Good morning.

Thursday in Whitewater will be partly sunny with a high of eighty-nine.  Sunrise is 6:15 AM and sunset 7:36 PM, for 13h 20m 29s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 68.9% of its visible disk illuminated.


Whitewater’s Community Development Authority meets via audiovisual conferencing at 5:30 PM.

 On this day in 1832, Black Hawk surrenders to U.S. authorities, ending the Black Hawk War.

Recommended for reading in full — 

 Jonathan Chait writes Reports: Trump Sabotaged Coronavirus Testing to Keep Numbers Low:

Public-health officials believe that widespread testing is a key element of any response to the coronavirus. President Trump does not believe this. And now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has officially adopted Trump’s view. It has modified its official guidelines, and no longer recommends that those who have been exposed to the virus but currently lack symptoms get a test.

The first reports of this change were filled with comments from incredulous experts, whose assessments included “bizarre,” “very strange,” “this is going to make things worse,” and so on. Now we have an explanation for this bizarre policy: High-level officials ordered it. CNN reports the change “came this week as a result of pressure from the upper ranks of the Trump administration.” The New York Times adds, “One official said the directive came from the top down. Another said the guidelines were not written by the C.D.C. but were forced down.”

Evidence that Trump has sought to slow down testing has been available for a long time. In March, Trump told reporters he kept infected passengers offshore on a cruise ship in order to hold down the official numbers of infections: “I like the numbers being where they are. I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship.”

 Russell Brandom reports Facebook chose not to act on militia complaints before Kenosha shooting:

In the wake of an apparent double murder Tuesday night in Kenosha, Facebook has faced a wave of scrutiny over posts by a self-proclaimed militia group called Kenosha Guard, which issued a “call to arms” to in advance of the protest.

Facebook took down Kenosha Guard’s Facebook page Wednesday morning, identifying the posts as violating community standards. But while the accounts were ultimately removed, new evidence suggests the platform had ample warning about the account before the shooting brought the group to prominence.

At least two separate Facebook users reported the account for inciting violence prior to the shooting, The Verge has learned. In each case, the group and its counter-protest event were examined by Facebook moderators and found not to be in violation of the platform’s policies.

One user, who asked not to be identified by name, said she had reported the Kenosha Guards event in advance of the protest. Facebook moderators responded that the event itself was not in violation of platform policy, but specific comments could be reported for inciting violence. She reported a specific comment threatening to put nails in the tires of protestors’ cars, but it too was found to be within the bounds of Facebook policy.

“There were lots of comments like that in the event,” she says. “People talking about being ‘locked and loaded.’ People asking what types of weapons and people responding to ‘bring everything.’”

Bella the Beluga Whale Gives Birth:

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