703 search results for "TID 4"

On Paul Yvarra’s False Claims to the Gazette

There’s another development in the Common Council race between Lynn Binnie and Paul Yvarra. In a published story in Saturday’s Gazette entitled, Whitewater council candidate admits mistakes about opponent, Paul Yvarra acknowledges what every reasonable person in all Whitewater already knew: that Mr. Yvarra’s charge about Fairhaven Senior Services being responsible for municipal fiscal difficulties…

Boo! Scariest Things in Whitewater, 2013

Here’s the seventh annual FREE WHITEWATER list of the scariest things in Whitewater for 2013. The 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 editions are available for comparison. The list runs in reverse order, from mildly frightening to super scary. 10. Red Foxes. There are few people who don’t find red foxes beautiful; I’d guess…

Daily Bread for 10.28.13

Good morning. Whitewater’s week begins with sprinkles and a high of forty-six. Sunrise is 7:23 AM and sunset will be 5:54 PM. On this day in 1886, Pres. Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty. The New York Times covered the ceremony: The statue of Liberty yesterday was seen through a mist darkly. Piercing winds blew…

Daily Bread for 10.20.13

Good morning. We’ll have a high of fifty-six today, with a twenty-percent chance of afternoon showers. We are far from the Atlantic Ocean, and so among the many immediate concerns of Wisconsinites, the lionfish, fortunately, is not one: The clear waters around Bermuda are as picturesque as you can imagine, and the brilliantly colored fish…

Daily Bread for 10.19.13

Good morning. We’ll have a Saturday of probable (60%), late afternoon showers and a high of fifty-one. John Trumbull, Surender of Lord Cornwallis. On October 19, 1781, an American and French victory over Britain truly and without overstatement changes world history profoundly: Hopelessly trapped at Yorktown, Virginia, British General Lord Cornwallis surrenders 8,000 British soldiers…

Old Whitewater Dreams of a Student Rez

Old Whitewater – an outlook rather than an age, a group rather than an individual – is having the hardest time adjusting to a changing city.  All these years, and all their many political champions, and still they’ve not solved even a single major problem facing the city.  Residential harmony between town and gown is one those problems,…