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5 years ago

How can this be a real thing? Someone found this “study” then created a picture to put on the UWW website bragging about the “study.” Unbelievably crazy.

5 years ago

Good catch, John Adams. Some of my colleagues and I have discussed the use of this article on our website. It’s an academic disgrace without the slightest doubt. You are on rock solid ground about this. No respectable member of the faculty would use something like this professionally. (It goes without saying that a pretend analysis is also outrageously disrespectful to women who have been assaulted on campus.) We have had so many problems over the years on the administrative side that I cannot count them all. The campus is being run as a giant marketplace. Now we are at the point where it’s acceptable to say anything and use any “source” at all.

A Town Squire
5 years ago

Whitewater is not going to have better town gown if the gown side doesn’t use on college quality work.There are lots of smart kids at UWW who could do much better than that junk. If the staff wants to be taken seriously they need to act serious. This ain’t that.

5 years ago

It only seems crazy that they’d latch onto anything until you realize that they want to bury the truth of people who have been hurt.

Whatever it takes to look good.

It’s not science.

It’s not science fiction.

It’s a late night infomercial diversion from reality.

Glad not everyone is fooled.

5 years ago

I forgot to add that administration will never admit that what they do is mistaken. No matter how farcical the issue it will always be“if we said it it must be true” all the way. Of course it’s not true but the whole System attitude is unidirectional from the top down.
They’ll still be wrong on this and everyone knows it.

5 years ago

the headline was all that mattered to them. you read the report and saw that it was a joke. that’s one step beyond where they wanted someone to go with this thing. silly man, you believed in reviewing what the report said while sober. they just wanted you to get drunk on the bright and shiny graphic.

Stephanie V.
5 years ago

Well, at least someone noticed/cares/is bothered by this, because I could barely sleep at night thinking about it and how ridiculous it is. I thought about what I went through in the years since 2015 and then what I went through when I came forward and if it didn’t hurt so much, it would have been funny anyone would actually market using this given the number of articles widely available about what happened at the hands (literally and metaphorically) of staff at UWW.

5 years ago

[…] The Marketing of Misinformation: UW-Whitewater’s Use of a Counterfeit ‘Campus Safety’ Study […]

3 years ago

[…] also From UW-Whitewater’s Administration, Too Many and Too Few Words, The Marketing of Misinformation: UW-Whitewater’s Use of a Counterfeit ‘Campus Safety’ Study, and UW-Whitewater’s Administration Covers Crap with […]