Author Archive for JOHN ADAMS

Daily Bread for 4.2.20

Good morning.

Thursday in Whitewater will be partly sunny with a high of fifty-eight.  Sunrise is 6:32 AM and sunset 7:23 PM, for 12h 50m 54s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 61.2% of its visible disk illuminated.

On this day in 1865, defeat at the Third Battle of Petersburg forces the Army of Northern Virginia and the Confederate government to abandon Richmond.

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Glenn Kessler and Salvador Rizzo write Fact-checking President Trump’s marathon news conference:

We inherited obsolete tests.”

There were no tests for the novel coronavirus, which only emerged in China late in 2019, so tests had to be developed specifically by countries starting in January. Trump appears to be referring to a system in place that relied on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to take the lead in developing the tests. But a still-unspecified manufacturing problem caused the CDC to distribute flawed tests to state and local health departments. On top of that, having the CDC take the lead, rather than the private sector, was inappropriate for the task of testing potentially hundreds of thousands of people.

Two former Trump administration officials had warned on Jan. 28, in a Wall Street Journal article, that the CDC was not up to task and the private sector needed to be engaged. But the Trump administration waited another month before it fast-tracked the development of tests by private companies.

“I can only say that we are doing more than anybody in the world by far. We are testing highly accurate tests.”

Trump often makes this misleading claim about the level of testing in the United States. It is accurate when looking only at raw numbers. But the key indicator is tests per capita, which gives a read on the share of the population that has contracted the disease.

A crowdsourced tally provided by the Covid Tracking Project says the United States has tested 1.1 million people as of March 31. That represents about 1 in 297 people. Italy, for example, has a smaller population and a lower number of total tests, but it tested about three times as many people on a per capita basis: 1 in 133.

Bill Glauber reports Wisconsinites approve of government actions to stem coronavirus outbreak, new Marquette poll finds:

The big numbers: 86% said it was appropriate to close schools and businesses, and 51% strongly backed legislation directing cash payments to individuals, while 28% somewhat approved the measure.

Democratic Gov. Tony Evers was rated highly for his response to the crisis, with 76% approving of his handling of the issue, including a strong majority of Republicans.

 Opera Singer Serenades Residents at Senior Living Facility:

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Daily Bread for 4.1.20

Good morning.

Wednesday in Whitewater will be partly cloudy with a high of fifty.  Sunrise is 6:34 AM and sunset 7:22 PM, for 12h 48m 01s of daytime.  The moon is in its first quarter with 50.7% of its visible disk illuminated.

On this day in 1945, the Battle of Okinawa begins.

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Toluse Olorunnipa, Josh Dawsey, Chelsea Janes, and Isaac Stanley-Becker report Governors plead for medical equipment from federal stockpile plagued by shortages and confusion:

As states across the country have pleaded for critical medical equipment from a key national stockpile, Florida has promptly received 100 percent of its first two requests — with President Trump and Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis both touting their close relationship.

States including Oklahoma and Kentucky have received more of some equipment than they requested, while others such as Illinois, Massachusetts and Maine have secured only a fraction of their requests.

It’s a disparity that has caused frustration and confusion in governors’ offices across the country, with some officials wondering whether politics is playing a role in the response.

Governors are making increasingly frantic requests to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for materials. State and congressional leaders are flooding FEMA with letters and calls seeking clarity about how it is allocating suddenly in-demand resources such as masks, ventilators and medical gowns.

David Beard writes that The Scourge of Coronavirus Brings Out Bright Spots of Humanity:

The woman in her 80s was holed up in her car for 45 minutes outside an Oregon supermarket, waiting for the right person.

She cracked the window when Rebecca Mehra approached on March 11. Almost in tears, the woman in the car told Mehra that she was terrified of catching the coronavirus, that she and her husband next to her had no family nearby—and asked if Mehra could spare them the risk of stepping outside by accepting cash to buy groceries for them.

Mehra took a $100 bill and a grocery list from the woman, got the groceries (canned goods, toilet paper), put them in the trunk, and returned the change.

“Frankly most people I know would have done the same thing I did. I was just in the right place at the right time,” said Mehra, who spoke to CBS News affiliate KBNZ after more than 11 million people shared her story. In the days since, severe restrictions on public gatherings have hit almost everyone and everywhere, and reports of selfless acts of support and community care have grown.

 How Social Distancing During The COVID-19 Pandemic Looks From A Satellite:

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Jared Kushner, Slumlord Millionaire, Wants the Rent ‘ASAP’

AJ Vicens reports As the Coronavirus Hit, Jared Kushner’s Company Told Renters to Take Action to Pay “ASAP”

On Thursday, March 19, Westminster Management—which is owned by the Kushner Companies and boasts of holdingmore than 20,000 apartments across six states—sent residents in at least one property a notice about rent collection—but it wasn’t about giving them a break on rent, nor did it include any reference to the unfolding COVID-19 crisis, according to emails and other correspondence reviewed by Mother Jones.


Two days later, on March 21, the company sent another email to residents. While it acknowledged the global pandemic by saying the company hoped “you all stay safe and healthy in these challenging times,” it went on to tell tenants to sign up for the new payment platform “asap.” Despite the request for prompt action on payment, the email told residents the management company was running on limited resources and that, due to the need to prevent contact between staff and residents, rent-payers could expect fewer services and directed that anything beside emergency maintenance requests should wait “until the situation has improved.”

Trump’s son-in-law has the ignoble distinction of being one of America’s worst slumlords. The Kushner family built their wealth on the backs of low-income tenants. See also The Beleaguered Tenants of ‘Kushnerville’ (‘Tenants in more than a dozen Baltimore-area rental complexes complain about a property owner who they say leaves their homes in disrepair, humiliates late-paying renters and often sues them when they try to move out. Few of them know that their landlord is the president’s son-in-law).

An episode of the Netflix series Dirty Money describes the Kushner family’s greed.

Daily Bread for 3.31.20

Good morning.

Tuesday in Whitewater will be cloudy with a high of forty-three.  Sunrise is 6:36 AM and sunset 7:21 PM, for 12h 45m 07s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 40.2% of its visible disk illuminated.

On this day in 1998, the Milwaukee Brewers play their first game as a National League team (away against Atlanta).

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Rick Barrett and Jeff Bollier report Coronavirus has hit Wisconsin dairy farms especially hard — some farmers may even have to dump milk:

Dairy has been hit the hardest from the loss of business from restaurants, schools and the hospitality industry. About one-third of Wisconsin dairy products, mostly cheese, are sold in the food-service trade.

“The coronavirus outbreak has caused milk prices to drop down to unprofitable levels this spring, right when we need money to buy supplies for the spring planting season,” said dairy farmer John Rettler of Neosho, president of FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative in Madison.


In February, farmers’ milk prices were slowly returning to profitable levels after having  been stuck in the basement for more than five years.

“Since the coronavirus pandemic began, all of that optimism has disappeared,” Rettler said. “Now, farmers are simply looking for ways to ensure their milk continues to get picked up in the coming weeks as the situation continues to play out.”

From dairy barns to grain fields, farmers have endured a long stretch of low commodity prices, partly brought on by a glut in world production. About 820 Wisconsin dairy producers called it quits in 2019 alone, a rate of more than two per day, and the trend hasn’t slowed in recent months.

 Conservative evangelical Michael Gerson writes Jerry Falwell Jr.’s coronavirus response shows his staggering level of ignorance:

After learning of Jerry Falwell Jr.’s decision to partially reopen Liberty University, my thoughts turned to the biblical account of Balaam’s ass.

According to the Hebrew scriptures, the children of Israel were on the verge of engulfing another Bronze Age tribe. Lacking recourse to the United Nations, the Moabites turned to a diviner named Balaam to curse the Israelis. But on the way to the cursing, Balaam’s conveyance, an ass, saw an angel blocking the path ahead, turned hard into a wall and crushed Balaam’s foot. Unable to see the celestial creature himself, a frustrated Balaam beat his ass. But God permitted the wounded animal to speak, mock her rider and explain the divine roadblock. The eyes of a chastened Balaam were finally opened and he took the Israeli side. And the rest is Middle East history.

Students at Liberty University are more likely than most to understand the specialness of this biblical lesson. It is one of the few stories in which Falwell should not be assigned the part of an ass. For that matter, he does not even deserve the role of Balaam, who at least was open to instruction. Instead, Falwell has charged the angel straight on and — in defiance of nearly all public health experts — reopened the Liberty dorms in the middle of a pandemic. Now, according to the New York Times, at least one student has tested positive and several more have shown coronavirus-like symptoms.

 Open Source Textbooks Save Students $1 Billion:

USNS Comfort Arrives In New York Harbor

Via Reuters:

The USNS Comfort, a 1,000-bed U.S. Navy hospital ship, arrives in New York Harbor and docks on Manhattan’s west side after departing Norfolk, Virginia.
The Comfort will treat non-coronavirus patients, including those who require surgery and critical care, the Navy said.

Hospitals in New York City have been overrun with patients suffering from COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the virus.

‘Come Meet the Biggest Fool in America’

Conservative Jonathan V. Last, writing at The Bulwark, invites readers to Come Meet the Biggest Fool in America. In part of an email newsletter sent to subscribers today, Last rightly excoriates economist Richard Epstein for minimizing the risks from the coronavirus pandemic.

Last writes (yes, a pun) that

I mention all of this as a wind up to this extraordinary interview in the New Yorker with the Hoover Institution’s Richard A. Epstein.

On March 16, Epstein published a piece arguing that all existing COVID-19 models were fundamentally flawed because they failed to talk into account “standard Darwinian economics.” The result, Epstein concluded, was that the total number of deaths from the outbreak in the United States would be of the order of magnitude of 500.

I am not going to link to his original piece, because it is one of the most irresponsible essays I’ve ever seen from a serious person.

What I want to push you to, instead, is his interview, because in it he betrays a truly astonishing combination of ignorance and confidence.

He talks about “weak” and “strong” forms of the coronavirus. There is no “weak” or “strong” version of this virus.

He claims that the novel coronavirus “[tends] to weaken over time.” There is no evidence for this. None.

He claims there are no known examples of viruses which do not “weaken” over time. To pick just two: Neither SARS nor ebola have mutated over time in such a way as to weaken.

And over and over Epstein talks about his “sense” of this or his “sense” of that while making iron-clad predictions and dismissing modeling and science that he does not understand.

But what marks Epstein here most deeply isn’t that he’s wrong about so much of the basics of how infectious diseases work. It’s his total confidence that he has full command of all the relevant knowledge—that he cannot possibly be missing anything and that it is the entire rest of the world—almost literally everyone else on the planet who does this for a living—who is wrong. The hubris is breathtaking.

Toward the end of the interview Epstein tries to bluster his way out by saying that he’s willing to bet “a great deal of money” on his claims and that he’s willing to debate anyone, anywhere, at any time.

The problem, of course, is that math doesn’t care about debates.

In his original piece, Epstein asserted that the world would see roughly 50,000 deaths, total, from COVID-19 and the United States would see 500.

He later revised that figure, saying that while the global 50,000 would hold, the United States would see between 2,000 and 2,500 deaths.

As of this morning, we have 35,019 confirmed deaths globally and 2,513 deaths in America. Both figures are still accelerating.

Epstein says he wants to wager “a great deal of money” on his predictions. Well, whether he understands it or not, he wagered his career on them. And he’s already lost.

Indeed, after reading Epstein’s interview with the New Yorker, economist Justin Wolfers writes of Epstein: “I have never seen someone demolish a scholar’s reputation as savagely as Richard Epstein demolishing his own.”

Epstein’s seventy-six; he should have stopped writing no later than at age seventy-five.

Broadband Gaps

There’s a story over at Wisconsin Watch that reports on the broadband gap in rural Wisconsin communities. Peter Cameron reports Broadband gap leaves rural Wisconsin behind during coronavirus crisis (‘Wisconsin’s dearth of high-speed internet in rural areas makes virtual schooling, remote health care and working from home even more difficult’):

Already, Wisconsin lags behind the national average in broadband coverage. An estimated 43% of Wisconsin’s rural residents lack access to high-speed internet, compared to about 31% of rural residents nationwide, according to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin.

“We have such a long ways to go,” said state Sen. Jeff Smith, a Democrat who has tried unsuccessfully to increase the state’s investment in broadband. “And now this is going to be one of the things that comes out of this (crisis) when we’re all done: ‘I guess we shouldn’t have dragged our feet for so long, and now we’d better get serious about it.’ ”

Whitewater from most rural communities because there is a university campus in town, and for many of the city’s residents who are students, broadband is simply an ordinary part of life. I’d guess – and only guess – that broadband is less common outside of the campus than some might think.

Some residents likely use mobile phones for internet access. The speed of local mobile connections, the data imitations on mobile plans, and the size of phone screens would mean that those residents’ internet experiences would look nothing that of others who use a dedicated broadband modem. I’m sensitive to this gap – there’s a profound difference between writing while using multiple connections & devices and thinking everyone else has that same experience. They certainly don’t. Whitewater is not a homogeneous community – it’s a small city of different, smaller communities, not all of whom have the same experiences.

There’s a way in which Old Whitewater likes to imagine – pretend, really – that they’re all of the town. They’re not – demographically, they’re not even all of the half of the non-student part of the town.

These years since the Great Recession have left many rural towns with uneven prospects, over-written statements from development men notwithstanding.

Daily Bread for 3.30.20

Good morning.

Monday in Whitewater will be partly sunny with a high of fifty-one.  Sunrise is 6:37 AM and sunset 7:19 PM, for 12h 42m 14s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 30.3% of its visible disk illuminated.

The Whitewater Unified School District’s board meets tonight at 6:30 PM briefly in open session, then entering closed session until returning in open session at 7:30 PM. The 7:30 open session portion of the meeting will be available via Zoom Online @ URL: and Meeting ID: 887-312-491.

On this day in 1867, the U.S. Sec. of State William Seward makes final the terms of the Alaska Purchase from Czarist Russia for $7.2 million, or about two cents per acre.

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Mike Baker reports Coronavirus Slowdown in Seattle Suggests Restrictions Are Working:

…seeing evidence that strict containment strategies, imposed in the earliest days of the outbreak, are beginning to pay off — at least for now.

Deaths are not rising as fast as they are in other states. Dramatic declines in street traffic show that people are staying home. Hospitals have so far not been overwhelmed. And preliminary statistical models provided to public officials in Washington State suggest that the spread of the virus has slowed in the Seattle area in recent days.

While each infected person was spreading the virus to an average of 2.7 other people earlier in March, that number appears to have dropped, with one projection suggesting that it was now down to 1.4.

The researchers who are preparing the latest projections, led by the Institute for Disease Modeling, a private research group in Bellevue, Wash., have been watching a variety of data points since the onset of the outbreak. They include tens of thousands of coronavirus test results, deaths, and mobility information — including traffic patterns and the movements of anonymous Facebook users — to estimate the rate at which coronavirus patients are spreading the disease to others.

The progress is precarious, and the data, which was still being analyzed and has yet to be published, is uncertain. Officials said that expansive social distancing policies will remain a key part of daily life for weeks to come.

(Emphasis added.)

Marc Fisher, Paul Schwartzman, and Ben Weissenbach report The Great American Migration of 2020: On the move to escape the coronavirus:

Back home in Oakland, Calif., Lisa Pezzino and Kit Center built a life that revolved around music and the people who make it — the musicians who recorded on Pezzino’s small label and performed in places where Center rigged the lights and sound equipment.

Where they are now, deep in the redwood forest near Big Sur, 140 miles south along the California coast, there is mostly the towering silence of isolation. A tiny cabin, an outdoor kitchen, just one neighbor. This is life in the flight from the virus.

They left town with four days of clothing and every intention of coming right home. And then the new rules kicked in, and state officials urged people to stay inside. There would be no concerts, no musicians wandering by to plan a recording session. Pezzino, a civil engineer who can work remotely, and Center, whose rigging work definitely cannot be done from home, decided to stay put in the woods, indefinitely. They joined the impromptu Great American Migration of 2020.

International Space Station has small pharmacy, well equipped to handle illness:

Daily Bread for 3.29.20

Good morning.

Sunday in Whitewater will see rain with a high of forty-four.  Sunrise is 6:39 AM and sunset 7:18 PM, for 12h 39m 20s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 22.4% of its visible disk illuminated.

On this day in 1865, the Appomattox Campaign begins.

Recommended for reading in full —

Ben Berwick, John Langford, Erica Newland,  and Kristy Parker write Trump Can’t Reopen the Country Over State Objections

In 2007, researchers published findings in the scientific journal PNAS showing how local governments mitigated outbreaks of the 1918 flu pandemic by aggressively limiting public gatherings. Cities such as San Francisco and St. Louis, which introduced restrictions early in one of the “waves” of the disease, fared much better than Philadelphia, which held a World War I victory parade that attracted tens of thousands of people to its famous Broad Street. Philadelphia was soon hit hard by the flu, while San Francisco and St. Louis were relatively spared.

“When multiple interventions were introduced early, they were very effective in 1918,” one of the researchers, Richard Hatchett, told the New York Times. “And that certainly offers hope that they would be similarly useful in an epidemic today if we didn’t have an effective vaccine.”


What happens if Trump tries to order or coerce states to relax their restrictions and put their residents at risk? Earlier this week in Lawfare, Robert Chesney described some limitations on the president’s power to “force changes if state and local officials won’t follow his lead.” He’s right. And if the president tries to force states to ease restrictions, they should resist. They have the Constitution on their side, and they will almost certainly win in court.

A triad of bedrock constitutional principles gives the states the upper hand. First, the Constitution and cases dating back to the founding era make clear that the power to make decisions about public health and welfare—for example, whether to close businesses and schools—lies primarily with the states, not the federal government. Second, to the extent that the federal government does have power in these areas, that power lies with Congress, not the president. Third, federal powers, even when wielded by Congress, are limited. And, as a practical matter, Congress is extremely unlikely to use its power to force states to roll back public health measures, even if it could do so as a formal legal matter. Under these principles, Trump lacks the legal authority to override orders from governors and other state and local officials that are designed to protect the public health and welfare of their citizens.

Julie Bosman reports Coronavirus Cases, Concentrated on the Coasts, Now Threaten America’s Middle

This week, cities and states that had no known cases of coronavirus not long ago have seen the infection’s sudden, intense arrival. In Detroit, more than 850 cases have been identified and at least 15 people have died. In New Orleans, public health workers have identified more than 1,100 cases, including 57 people who have died. Eight deaths and nearly 400 cases have been reported in Milwaukee County, Wis. And in Chicago and its inner-ring suburbs, there have been nearly 2,000 cases, as of Friday morning.

This Rare ‘Caviar’ Comes From Lemons:

Frontline: Covering Coronavirus in Cremona, Italy

A reporter’s emotional journey back to her homeland in Italy, now the global epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak. “I never thought that I would be making a film like this in Italy,” says FRONTLINE correspondent Sasha Achilli. “I feel immensely proud of the way that the Italian doctors are doing everything they can.” Italy’s doctors, she says, are looking at how America is responding now, and finding similarities with how their own country reacted weeks ago. “Doctors [here] are saying, absolutely self-isolate and do it in the interest of yourself. But in the interests of everybody else around you and who you love. Because this is very, very real.”