
Friday Catblogging: A Cat’s 800-Mile Trip

Bill Jank and Georgia Telfer drove 14 hours Arkansas to a family wedding, after they thought they lost their cat. When they arrived in Arkansas, they discovered that the cat had ridden the whole way underneath the vehicle perched on the spare tire. Via Cat stows away for 800-mile trip on the spare tire under Racine…

Friday Catbloging: The Cheetah’s Meow

I didn’t know cheetahs meow I’ve always thought they roar my whole life has been a lie — (@hoewever) June 24, 2017 A Twitter user recently expressed her surprise at learing that cheetahs meow: “I didn’t know cheetahs meow … I’ve always thought they roar… my whole life has been a lie.” She’s teasing…

Friday Catblogging: Cat-Themed Home

Architectural Digest has a story online entitled This Cat-Themed Home in Arizona Is Unreal (“You have to see it to believe it”): A cat-themed home exists in Arizona, though to say it’s “themed” probably doesn’t do it justice. Although many might wonder whether it’s even OK to leave out their cat’s toys and furniture when…

Friday Catblogging: The Greatest Job Opportunity Ever

A cats-only vet clinic in Ireland recently listed a position for a cat cuddler: The cats-only clinic in Dublin is looking for someone with “gentle hands capable of petting and stroking cats for long periods of time,” someone who is “capable of cat whispering to calm the nerves of some of our in patients,” and…

Friday Catblogging: Google Photos Makes Movies from People’s Cat Photos

Hilary Hanson writes that Google Is Surreptitiously Making Amazing Movies From People’s Cat Photos: If you use Google Photos, you’ve probably experienced the app’s “assistant” feature taking the liberty of creating suggested collages, stories or mini-movies out of your pictures. If you’re like most people, you usually ignore these suggestions. If you’re a cat lover, however,…

Friday Catblogging: Shop Cats of New York

If you’ve not yet done so, I’d recommend picking up Tamar Arslanian’s Shop Cats of New York (with Andrew Marttila, photographer). Hilary Hanson’s post Adorable Portraits Explore The Lives Of Big-City Shop Cats describes the book and the felines it features. (The video above is from the Facebook page for the book.) If there’s ever…

Friday Catblogging: Snow Leopard Triple Sighting

Three snow leopards surprised wildlife researchers in China by snuggling in front of a monitoring camera – a rare sighting they say will help us better understand and protect the big cats. And they hope it’ll help scientists estimate just how many of these elusive animals are left in the wild. The big cat conservation…