
The Wrong Strategy on Synthetic Marijuana

When a society’s drug enforcement focuses on the supply of a drug, drug traffickers will (1) alter the concoctions they sell and (2) change the way they sell those concoctions. Sure enough, in response to a ban on synthetic marijuana, dealers are altering their formulas to circumvent existing local laws, and are now selling though…

Officers Punished for Supporting Eased Drug Laws

These officers can expect to be hounded out, as so much federal and state money depends, not on solving the problem of addiction, but on waging an ineffective, endless campaign, all the while insisting that this time – yes, this time – everything will be different and better. Those challenging their dismissals are buoyed by…

Governor Christie: The War on Drugs Isn’t Working

More and more officials, including committed conservatives, are willing to concede what National Review declared in 1996: the War on Drugs is a failure, having achived too little while ignoring the real problem of addiction. Governor Christie: The War on Drugs Isn’t Working – YouTube.

Bad News for Drug Warriors

Turns out Newt Gingrich, the man of a thousand shifting, contradictory, and I’ll-considered opinions, wants to escalate the Drug War. If there’s worse news for drug warriors than this, short of an endorsement from Syria’s Assad, I can’t imagine what that worse news might be. In an interview with Yahoo!, Gingrich finds his model for…

Regulating Over Prohibiting Marijuana

From last Monday’s national Libertarian Party message, there’s a proposal to regulate marijuana like wine. Whether it’s regulated like wine or more strictly, the trend against outright prohibition is unmistakable. See, Gallup Reports Record Number in Favor of Legalizing Marijuana Use. Of those who favor a complete prohibition, two things may be said: they often…

State Journal blasts arrest of Journal Sentinel reporter

Officials’ foolish over-reaching: We’re not anti-cop. Far from it. We’re actually very much pro-law and order. Some of our best friends are police officers, and we admire the difficult work done by the men and women who keep our communities safe. But the decision by Milwaukee police officers Wednesday to arrest a Journal Sentinel photographer…

Meet the New Press Release, Same as the Old Press Release

Just about a year ago, Whitewater’s former police chief authorized a raid on a drinking party; this year, almost to the day, the city’s new police chief did the same. Scores were cited a year ago; scores were cited this year. Needless to say, last year’s raid did nothing to stop the underage drinking in…

Guilty plea in marijuana case forces Whitewater city councilman to step down – Walworth County Today

There’s a solid, straightforward story about the conviction by plea and subsequent resignation of Whitewater Common Council member Javonni Butler over at the Gazette, portions of which are excerpted below. Of this, three things may be said with confidence: that for some, this is a moment of particular schadenfreude; that so hidebound is Whitewater that…

Gallup Reports Record Number in Favor of Legalizing Marijuana Use

Respected polling-firm Gallup reports that for the first time, half of all Americans support legalizing marijuana use. Fifty-percent of all Americans favor legalization; that’s a huge jump from forty years ago. The ongoing trend is also clear: younger Americans are more likely to support, and senior citizens more likely to oppose, legalization. In another twenty…

Whitewater’s Concealed Carry Debate

Concealed carry legislation went to the governor, and he signed it, about a month ago. (For an overview of that legislation, see Mary Spicuzza’s Concealed carry bill heads to Walker for signature. A provision of the bill allows communities to place restrictions on the presence of otherwise lawfully-concealed weapons, beyond the restrictions (police stations, court…