There’s a story over at Vox, from Brian Resnick, reporting that ‘Election anxiety is real. A majority of Americans report “significant stress” due to 2016.’ Resnick writes that [t]he American Psychological Association has released some preliminary data from its upcoming annual “Stress in America” report, on the nation’s level of anxiety specifically around this election.…
City, Elections, Law
Absentee Voting in the Whitewater Area
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
One often hears that a given election is important, and that each person’s vote matters. That’s been true so many times in our history, and it seems particularly so this year. Absentee voting – by mail or in person – is a part of our law, and the window for in-person voting will open soon. Immediately below readers…
Elections, Politics
Implications from the August 9th Wisconsin Primary
by JOHN ADAMS • • 1 Comment
There were no surprises in any of the races in or near Whitewater last night. They all went as one might reasonably have predicted. One area race (and only one), however, might have national implications. Paul Ryan easily won his first congressional district primary over Paul Nehlen. See, Despite late drama, Ryan easily beats Nehlen…
Elections, Politics, School District
About a Survey
by JOHN ADAMS • • 1 Comment
I promised last week that I would write about a recent survey that seemed to rely on a skewed, unrepresentative sample. The survey and some printed accounts of it have been available, but the recording of the 6.6.16 meeting at which the results were initially presented does not seem to be available online for readers. …
City, Elections, School District, Walworth County
Local Election Recap
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Local elections affecting Whitewater went about as one might have expected. I’d guess there were, in the end, no surprises. There were three uncontested races for Common Council (Allen, Binnie, Langness), and two for the Whitewater Unified School District (Brunner, Stewart). That leaves two contested races in the immediate area: a Common Council race between…
Elections, Walworth County
The Walworth County Circuit Court Race (Final Thoughts)
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
I posted in February on the Walworth County Circuit court race between Family Court Commissioner Dan Johnson and District Attorney Dan Necci. A month and a half later, there’s no change in the dynamic of the race: Johnson has widespread support from officials in the county, across party lines, and Necci is relying significantly on prominent…
Elections, Politics, Walworth County
On Wisconsin’s 2.16.16 Primary
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Results are in from yesterday’s February primary, and there are a few clues about the April 5th election, with one big uncertainty. First, the obvious uncertainty. The Republican and Democratic presidential races have offered surprises, and will likely offer more. One or both major-party contests may still be raging by 4.5.16. Ongoing interest in either, or…
Elections, Elkhorn, Politics, Walworth County
The Walworth County Circuit Court Race (Preliminaries)
by JOHN ADAMS • • 3 Comments
One may say two things, preliminarily, about the Walworth County Circuit Court race: It’s a race between generally conservative candidates; there are no left-right differences of significance. Incumbent District Attorney Dan Necci, after only briefly serving in that role, is running with almost no local, official support for his candidacy from among those with whom…
City, Elections, Local Government, School District
The April 7th Election Results
by JOHN ADAMS • • 1 Comment
A quick summary of results across the state and near Whitewater suggests that while voters may be concerned, or even worried, they’re not angry. If voters were angry, more incumbents would have been defeated. That didn’t happen. The same state that re-elected Gov. Walker last year re-elected Justice Bradley last night. Those two have little…
The Day After Today
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Elections, Local Government, School District
Tomorrow’s Election
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
In the city and the state, there are important races on the ballot tomorrow. These are challenging times for Wisconsin and for Whitewater, and the choices we make will influence how smooth or difficult is the work ahead. For our school board, particularly, we’ll need a combination of energy, diligence, thoughtful analysis, contemporary-thinking, and a…
Anderson, Cartoons & Comics, Elections
by JOHN ADAMS • • 1 Comment
Education, Elections, School District
On School Board Candidate Jim Stewart
by JOHN ADAMS • • 1 Comment
Jim Stewart, as you may have read from his own news site the Whitewater Banner, is running for school board. He last sat on that board about ten years ago, and for twenty-odd years before that. More recently, he was a member of Whitewater’s Common Council. His candidacy in 2015 is a puzzle, three times…
Education, Elections, School District
On School Board Candidate Dan McCrea
by JOHN ADAMS • • 2 Comments
One may say a few things with confidence. First, those who have followed Whitewater’s schools & politics know Dan McCrea. He’s a member of the school board now, and is seeking re-election. Second, I’m not typically predisposed toward incumbents. Third, and this matters to me more than either of the preceding: Dan McCrea’s experience, ability,…