
Beautiful Whitewater

If we were to have a blizzard, covering all the city, today would yet be a lovely day. There are, of course, some individual losses for which there is no human recompense, but for the community, no day is more restorative, and so more welcome, than an election day. Today will be a bit sweeter,…

The Place of Peace and Honesty

Is there a place where hundreds of thousands have protested, packed their Capitol building, nearly a million later signing election petitions, without violence, at limited public costs, and without fraud? What spot of peace and honesty, integrity and democracy, is like that? Could there even be such a place, in all the world? There is.…


The ACLU’s Rights Blog posted today on the controversy over the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), and the post mentions the ACLU’s constructive role in limiting this latest regulatory overreach.  (See, Online Protest Over SOPA Helps » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union.)   I have reproduced parts of their post…

LP Calls for Regulating Marijuana like Wine

America regulates marijuana, mostly, by prohibition. Despite criminalizing cannabis, and spending vast sums to find, fine, arrest, and jail pot smokers, the level of actual consumption seems unchanged. (Americans, by the way, are increasingly supportive of marijuana decriminalization. Government officials can only sell expensive ineffectiveness for so long. The trend toward decriminalization is clear.) I’ve…

Institute for Justice fighting the good fight

From the IJ, highlights of ongoing work: Litigating for Liberty. The Wall Street Journal featured IJ’s founder and president, Chip Mellor, this past Sunday. Read the in-depth interview here. Georgia property owners are fed up with forfeiture. The state’s forfeiture law allows law enforcement to seize the property of innocent owners without convicting or even…

Pres. Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

The indefinite detention bill passed the Congress with support from both parties, but that only means it was a bad idea with bipartisan backing: President Obama’s action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony…

The Journal Sentinel on Justice Gableman’s Receipt of Free Legal Services (and a bit about the story, itself)

Over the the Journal Sentinel, there’s a story about Justice Gableman’s deciding votes on cases in which the Michael Best & Friedrich firm represented the victorious party, despite his receipt of free legal services from that firm: State Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman in two cases cast the deciding vote in favor of parties represented…