
When Galaxies Collide

It’s so far in the future, it scarcely matters, but if one were to speculate from present conditions, the collision billions of years from now between the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies would not disturb Earth, but would change the night’s sky (in a lovely way):

First-Ever Video of the Rare Omura’s Whale in the Wild

There are, even in the twenty-first century, new discoveries and observations to be made – Dr. Salvatore Cerchio of the New England Aquarium and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and an international team of whale biologists have just released images and detailed descriptions on the first scientific observations in the wild ever of Omura’s whales,…

The Halloween Crab

Lauren Goode of the Verge writes about an encounter in Costa Rica with a crustacean called the Halloween Crab: Only later, once I was able to connect to WiFi, did I learn that we had just had our first encounter with Gecarcinus quadratus de Saussure, otherwise known as the Halloween crab. And only later, in…