
Friday Poll: Burger King Japan’s Black Burger

A Black Burger? One reads that “Burger King Japan is rolling out another “Kuro Burger” (“Black Burger”), with buns made from bamboo charcoal, an onion and garlic sauce made with squid ink, beef patties made with black pepper, and black cheese, which is also apparently made with bamboo charcoal.” What do you think?

Friday Poll: Ram v. Drone Pilot

Who’s at fault: Ram or Drone Pilot? In New Zealand, a hobbyist uses a small drone to film a ram, piloting the drone close to, and even into, the ram. The animal becomes irritated, and first butts the drone, and later the drone’s pilot. Who’s the guilty party here? The drone pilot for irritating an…

Friday Poll: Would you eat from this subway floor?

Eating from a vacuum-cleaned subway floor? In Toronto, Bissell Canada brand manager Ravi Dalchand demonstrated the supposed effectiveness of a Bissell vacuum by eating from a subway floor cleaned moments before with a Bissell. He wanted to show, of course, how clean Bissell could make even a filthy surface – so clean, in his estimation,…

Friday Poll: Dogs on Restaurant Patios

Dogs on Restaurant Patios? In California, they’ve now passed a law allowing dogs on restaurant patios. (Previously, some restaurants would permit the practice, but they risked health code violations in communities that enforced California health codes strictly.) Now, restaurants can accept patrons with dogs (for outdoor dining) without fear of being cited for code violations.…

Friday Poll: Petting a Zoo Lion

Petting a Zoo Lion? Although some of the facts are disputed, there’s common acknowledgement that Renae Ferguson visited a small Michigan Zoo, entered a lion’s cage, and may have had part of her finger bitten off. Ferguson contends a zookeeper invited her into the cage to pet the lion; the zoo claims she entered against…

Friday Poll: Extraterrestrials or German Kids?

So, extraterrestrial vistors to our planet or swarm der rotzlöffel? Crop Circles in Bavaria: Extraterrestrials or Kids? The Associated Press reports on crop circles discovered in a German farmer’s field: BERLIN (AP) — Thousands of people are trekking to a Bavarian farmer’s field to check out a mysterious set of crop circles. The ornate design…

Friday Poll: The Road Rage Incident

Poll: Cosmic Justice or Series of Mishaps? In Florida, Joseph Howard Carl’s truck rear-ended another vehicle, after which he leapt out and began pounding on the other driver’s car window. Here’s what happened: Carl then jumped out and began banging on the driver’s window and yelling at the woman inside, apparently neglecting to put his…

Friday Poll: Where will the Brewers Place in the NL Central?

The season’s half over: where do you think the Brewers will place within their division? A recent assessment at the Journal Sentinel places the Odds of Brewers making the playoffs: [at] 45.5. After a first half that started well and ended poorly, what do you think will happen? Brewers’ Finish in NL Central 2014

Friday Poll: World Cup Viewing

Are you watching any of the World Cup matches? I don’t follow soccer, but have to admit that these matches are great viewing, I think. What do you think? World Cup Viewing By the way, here’s an excerpt of explanatory article from the Atlantic on why Americans call soccer ‘soccer’: In May, Stefan Szymanski, a…

Friday Poll: Farm Dog or Lap Dog?

Modern Farmer asks whether farm dogs are happier than lap dogs: Although the love between man and dog is indeed powerful, you might wonder whether the active, outdoors pup is enjoying a more enriching existence than his indoors counterpart. By keeping dogs as inside companions, are we asking them to lead less satisfying lives? Recently,…

Friday Poll: Airplane v. Sunbather

German pilot Juergen Drucker almost hit a sunbather while landing his small, private plane in a vacation spot. Although Drucker admitted that his landing wasn’t “one of my greatest achievements in the cockpit,” isn’t there another side to this story? After all, isn’t the sunbather very close to a runway? Who’s more responsible here, do…

Friday Poll: The Breakfast Burrito Incident

Breakfast Burrito Injury A Michigan woman claims that she suffered “constant pain, discomfort, disability, emotional distress, mental anguish…” after eating a McDonald’s breakfast burrito. She contends that a foreign object in the burrito caused her injuries (although her lawsuit reportedly does not identify that object): Susan Delph is claiming she suffered “severe injuries” after biting…