School District

A, B, and Wrong

Most choices for government, such as an option between Policy Choice A or Policy Choice B, involve choices of ordinary outcomes. One option may be more efficient than the other, or one more aesthetically pleasing than an alternative, but either would be considered a normal, reasonable policy outcome. Preferences of the Right or Left, of…

An Open Note to Leaders of the Municipal Government, the School District, and UW-Whitewater

Along the lines of listing key topics (see the right sidebar at FREE WHITEWATER for a list of particular areas of concern), it’s worth being clear that important issues in one part of the city should not be ignored in other parts. An Open Note to Leaders of Government, the School District, and UW-Whitewater: misconduct of officials…

Whitewater’s ACT Scores

Yesterday, I posted on the below-average ACT participation rate for Whitewater.  As with last year, the Whitewater Schools want to tout a high average ACT score, but only while concealing a low participation rate.  See, Whitewater’s ACT Participation Rate Near the Bottom of Area Schools. A few remarks on the latest results. Competency on the…

Policy Topics for the Fall

I last wrote in February about local policy topics that I thought were interesting. See, Policy Topics for the Spring and before that Four Public Topics for the Fall (2014). In February, these were my selections:  Whitewater School Budget Cuts, the Whitewater’s School Board Election, the UW-Whitewater’s Budget, UW-Whitewater’s Social Relations, and the City of…

The Whitewater Schools’ Near Future

Look out a few years (the next three to five, let’s say), and the Whitewater Unified School District has difficult prospects.  Beyond that conditions may get better, but getting better may simply mean recapturing lost ground rather than net gains from today’s circumstances. The district faces perpetual, structural deficits, made somewhat less difficult only through…

Whitewater YES is Right, for Now

Over at the Whitewater YES for Education Facebook page, they’ve a post describing the WUSD budget proposal in supportive terms. Here’s part of what they have to say: ….The school board reviewed the District Leadership Team’s (DLT) program and staffing proposal at the April 20 board study session. The DLT created a proposal that aligned…

Kidney-Selling as a Threat to the City’s Future

In a city where some have had an unfortunate tendency to favor marketing over actual accomplishments, and where ‘Whitewater Advocacy’ often amounts to the laughable exaggerations of a few insiders, loss of funding poses a double risk. First, communities across the state have to make do with less, and Whitewater (with a public campus) will…

The April 7th Election Results

A quick summary of results across the state and near Whitewater suggests that while voters may be concerned, or even worried, they’re not angry.  If voters were angry, more incumbents would have been defeated.  That didn’t happen. The same state that re-elected Gov. Walker last year re-elected Justice Bradley last night.  Those two have little…

Tomorrow’s Election

In the city and the state, there are important races on the ballot tomorrow.  These are challenging times for Wisconsin and for Whitewater, and the choices we make will influence how smooth or difficult is the work ahead.  For our school board, particularly, we’ll need a combination of energy, diligence, thoughtful analysis, contemporary-thinking, and a…

On School Board Candidate Dan McCrea

One may say a few things with confidence.  First, those who have followed Whitewater’s schools & politics know Dan McCrea. He’s a member of the school board now, and is seeking re-election. Second, I’m not typically predisposed toward incumbents.  Third, and this matters to me more than either of the preceding: Dan McCrea’s experience, ability,…