
A, B, and Wrong

Most choices for government, such as an option between Policy Choice A or Policy Choice B, involve choices of ordinary outcomes. One option may be more efficient than the other, or one more aesthetically pleasing than an alternative, but either would be considered a normal, reasonable policy outcome. Preferences of the Right or Left, of…

Boo! Scariest Things in Whitewater, 2015

Here’s the ninth annual FREE WHITEWATER list of the scariest things in Whitewater for 2015. The 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 editions are available for comparison. The list runs in reverse order, from mildly frightening to truly scary. 10. The Coming Ferret Invasion. Alternative title: The Unprepared Will Be Doomed.  Earlier this year,…

An Open Note to Leaders of the Municipal Government, the School District, and UW-Whitewater

Along the lines of listing key topics (see the right sidebar at FREE WHITEWATER for a list of particular areas of concern), it’s worth being clear that important issues in one part of the city should not be ignored in other parts. An Open Note to Leaders of Government, the School District, and UW-Whitewater: misconduct of officials…

Whitewater’s Major Public Institutions Produce a Net Loss (And Why It Doesn’t Have to Be That Way)

I’ve often contended – and about this I’m sure – that most people are sharp and capable.  It’s only on this foundation that a prosperous and dynamic culture like America’s would be – could be – possible. Whitewater’s major public institutions – her city government, school district, and local university – produce this unexpected result: although members of…

The University Gateway Near Whiton & Main

Five years ago, this community considered whether there should be changes at the intersection of Main and Whiton, where there was then a stone gateway to the university. One now sees that the gateway is being moved back from near Main, farther up the hill from the street. Moving the gateway assures greater visibility nearer the road. It’s good…

Policy Topics for the Fall

I last wrote in February about local policy topics that I thought were interesting. See, Policy Topics for the Spring and before that Four Public Topics for the Fall (2014). In February, these were my selections:  Whitewater School Budget Cuts, the Whitewater’s School Board Election, the UW-Whitewater’s Budget, UW-Whitewater’s Social Relations, and the City of…

7,000 and 7,622

Welcome signs in Whitewater list the city’s population as 14,622.  That’s right, give or take a small number since the signs were last updated.  When thinking about Whitewater, however, one can’t reasonably think of a homogeneous population of 14,622. We’re a more diverse city than that, with demographics revealing a multi-ethnic and vocationally-split community.  Of…

Former Coach Tim Fader Files Notice of Intent to Sue UW-Whitewater Officials

Tim Fader, formerly an award-winning wrestling coach at UW-Whitewater, was subjected to non-renewal of his contract (effective dismissal) with no satisfactory explanation, and with reason to think that UW-Whitewater had fired him for reporting a sexual assault allegation directly to the police. Fader’s termination came during a time – still ongoing – when UW-Whitewater was under federal investigation for its handling of other sexual assault complaints.

WISC-TV 3, Channel 3000, now reports on Fader’s Notice of Claim, in a story published online this evening:

Former University of Wisconsin-Whitewater wrestling coach has notified the state’s attorney general of his intent to sue a number of officials at the university for “improperly” dismissing him from his position and for continuing to stymie his efforts to find work.

Tim Fader failed a “Notice of Claim” this week, alleging that he was not renewed as the school’s wrestling coach in the summer of 2014 because he reported an alleged sexual assault committed by one of his recruits earlier last year directly to Whitewater Police and not to his supervisors on campus, per university policy. Fader asserts he’s been made a “scapegoat” because his situation arose shortly after the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education announced UW-W was one of 55 schools nationwide being investigated for how it handled sexual assault or harassment allegations

(Our law requires that one file a notice of intent to sue any state officials 60 days before legal action can begin. I have embedded the Notice of Claim below, so that one may read it in full.)

Attorney Stan Davis, a former UW System Regent, represents Fader. Attorney Davis observes that when Fader spoke to the police, he prevented UW-Whitewater’s officials from crafting a description of events at a time, and a pace, of their own choosing:

“He was the Division 3 Wrestling Coach of the Year and he is now unable to find a job,” said Fader’s lawyer, Stan Davis, a former UW System Regent. “It seems as though he’s being punished here for not giving the University the opportunity to decide how they were going to address, spin, handle this matter and that’s problematic.”

See, Former Coach Takes Step to Sue UW-Whitewater Officials @ Channel 3000.

Needless to say, in each case there may be people who are injured. That matters most, of course. Nearly as important as handling present injuries is inhibiting future victims or third-parties from reporting allegations for fear of doing so.

Attorney Davis sees this fundamental truth clearly:

His lawyer believes the impact Fader’s jobless situation could have on campuses throughout the state is why this remains so important.

“The chilling effect this could have on other faculty members who may be afraid to go to the police now if they become aware of something because Tim went to the police and he ends up losing his job,” Davis said. “It suggests (UW-W) didn’t want an outside agency to be aware of this until they decided what, if anything, they were going to do about it.

“Making a scapegoat of one person who actually handled the situation the way I think most people would have… does not do anything to help address this problem in the future.”

In fact, it’s hard to believe that reasonable people, aware of the importance of encouraging reporting, and genuinely believing in open reporting would not see as much.

I’ll have updates as this matter develops.

I would encourage readers to donate to the It’s On Us campaign, and to support these and other efforts to prevent sexual violence.

Those who have experienced sexual assault will find resources of support at


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Post updated 7.2.15 with video interview.

The Remains of the Day

If one would like to see the present condition and future prospects of Whitewater’s insiders, there are no better accounts (truly) than two stories from the Daily Union: UW-Whitewater chancellor session held @ Whitewater bids fond farewell to Telfer @ Each story is purportedly about UW-Whitewater’s chancellor (the search for a new one,…

Another Six-Figure WEDC Loan to an Unworthy Applicant

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Beverly Kopper Selected as UW-Whitewater Chancellor

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Another WEDC Audit Failure

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Budget Problems as a Mask for Internal Problems

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Wisconsin on Pace for Most Layoff Notifications Since WEDC Created

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