Speaker Vos – wearing personal protective equipment – insists it’s ‘incredibly safe to go out’

These Journal Times videos of Speaker Robin Vos in WI defending holding an election today are pretty remarkable. "You are incredibly safe to go out," he says. — Shane Goldmacher (@ShaneGoldmacher) April 7, 2020              

The WISGOP Follows a Fool, and Fails Wisconsin

No state delegation in America has been less receptive to a federal coronavirus relief package than the WISGOP delegation to Washington. Allison Stevens reports Congress clears 2nd major coronavirus package; 3rd in the works: A second major coronavirus package cleared the U.S. Senate Wednesday and is now headed to President Donald Trump for his signature.…

In Wisconsin, Gerrymandering Has Brought Out the Crackpots

One reads – and it’s true – that in Wisconsin gerrymandering has disproportionately favored WISGOP candidates. It’s done more, it seems: gerrymandering has produced a decade’s worth of crackpot Republicans: Walker’s crony economics, Ryan’s trickle-down tax bill, Priebus’s sycophancy to Trump, Fitzgerald’s literal serenades for Trump, etc. Occasionally, these men spoke in libertarian language, but…

Her Constituents Can Be Proud

Here in Whitewater, part of the gerrymandered Fifth Congressional District, we have for a congressman a septuagenarian multi-millionaire (Sensenbrenner) who votes with Trump, and his most-likely successor is a state senator (Fitzgerald) who sings a Trump train song. Men who tried all day to be embarrassments wouldn’t be able to match Sensenbrenner’s and Fitzgerald’s natural tendencies…

Coming Soon to the Gerrymandered Fifth Congressional District…

Think the WISGOP couldn’t find someone worse for the Fifth Congressional District than F. James Sensenbrenner has been? Think again. Molly Beck reports Longtime state Senate leader Scott Fitzgerald announces bid for Congress: Scott Fitzgerald, a fixture of the Wisconsin state Senate for the last 25 years, announced Tuesday he would seek a higher office…