13 search results for "police dog edgerton"

Update: On Edgerton, Wisconsin’s Police Dog (Goodbye to the Biter)

There’s a follow up to the story about which I posted yesterday, about a police dog in Edgerton, Wisconsin that bit a police officer and a city worker, but was nevertheless kept in service by Edgerton’s public safety committee. Sensibly, Edgerton’s city council voted unanimously last night to send the dog back to the kennel…

On Edgerton, Wisconsin’s Police Dog

There’s an old expression that “every dog gets one free bite.” The expression is sensible — a person may do something wrong, but one should be lenient with a first offense. One could apply the expression to either dogs or people — an initial misdeed offers no prior history or warning for misconduct. I’m sure…

The Mind of a Police Dog

Over at Reason Magazine, Radley Balko has a fine article entitled, The Mind of a Police Dog. The subtitle’s a verity: how misconceptions about dogs can lead to abuse of humans. I’ve written before about use of police dogs. They require careful and consistent handling. Small departments, like one in Edgerton that briefly had a…

Small-town Bureaucratic Persistence in Edgerton, Wisconsin

Over in Edgerton, Wisconsin, a place even smaller than my town of Whitewater, there’s been a sensible decision to “hold off on discussions over buying a new police dog until fall 2011, when the city plans for its 2012 budget.” See, Edgerton Delays Dog Decision. Edgerton’s former police dog bit a police officer from another…

Idaho Police Dog Back to Work After Suspension

There’s an odd story originally printed in the Idaho Mountain Express about a police dog named Dax that bit a schnauzer named Max. (I have written before about a biting police dog from Edgerton, Wisconsin, but that case was about serious injuries the dog inflicted on two people, one of whom was a police officer.)…

Local Policing and Point-of-View Cameras

There’s a story about my town’s (Whitewater, Wisconsin’s) decision to equip its on-patrol officers with point-of-view cameras. A small video camera will record officer interactions with residents. Reportedly, all interactions will be recorded, and at the end of each shift, officers [will] download all videos into a general file that would get deleted automatically after…

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 6-11-10

Good morning, Today’s forecast for Whitewater calls for a day with an even chance of thunderstorms, and a high of eighty-seven. Edgerton’s former police dog has a new, and apparently temporary, home. See, Edgerton Police Dog Gets New Home. If there’s really no problem with the dog, then what does that say about the abilities…

Recent Tweets, 5-16 to 5-22

Bet the chimp’s the better forecaster 3:12 PM May 21st via Seesmic TONIGHT watch IJ’s Bill Maurer on Stossel (Fox Bus., 8 p.m. & midnight ET) discussing IJ’s fight against gov’t reg. of grassroots activism. 4:01 PM May 20th via Seesmic RT @reasonmag: John Stossel on Asset Forfeiture Laws 4:00 PM May 20th…