188 search results for ""Innovation Center""

‘WEDC has been a disaster from the get-go’

After years of defending the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, one newspaper (out of several in the area) finally concedes the obvious:  ‘WEDC has been a disaster from the get-go.’ See, from 11.28.15,, subscription req’d. Yes, it has been a disaster, as politicized intervention in the economy, to the benefit of one’s well-fed, white-collar executive…

Friday Poll: Bacon-Flavored Seaweed?

Bacon-Flavored Seaweed?Scientists in Oregon have created bacon-flavored seaweed: What grows quickly, is packed with protein, has twice the nutritional value of kale and tastes like bacon? The answer, according to scientists at Oregon State University, is a new strain of seaweed they recently patented. Dulse is a form of edible seaweed that grows wild along…

Question Bin

Post 6 in a series. A list of questions, updated as new ones arise, from When Green Turns Brown. Find this post, and you’ll have found all the questions from the entire series as they’re added . (Every question in this series has a unique number, assigned consecutively based on when it was asked. All…

Education: Substance & Spending

Following comments to yesterday’s post on proposed cuts to the UW System schools (Caution arrives late, doesn’t recognize its surroundings), here are nine quick comments about education. 1.  Act 10 as a budgetary tool.  This centrally-planned idea didn’t work.  Reductions in public-union bargaining powers in exchange for the ‘tools’ to balance school and other public…

Arguments on Cost & Flexibility Under a Complete Streets Ordinance

There are two questions that I promised yesterday that I would take up today about the Complete Streets ordinance recently passed at Council on 1.20.15. The first is whether the draft ordinance was flexible enough, and the second about the costs of new roads or reconstruction that would include sidewalks or bike paths. I read…

Clap Your Hands, It’s Galactic Marmoset Week

So one reads that a few of Whitewater’s town fathers, toadying to the WEDC’s public-relations machine, are crowing that the Innovation Center is part of GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK. Global? That’s not so much. One can easily show these striving WEDC public-relations men how to take something small and make it look really big. Behold, I…

Another Holiday on the Calendar

Oh dearie me, having been thinking these months about Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, somehow GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK slipped my mind. How, truly, could one forget a week-long celebration of white-collar tech startups? Perhaps a lifetime of celebrating both religious and national holidays, and the actual accomplishments of ordinary people who have overcome harrowing obstacles, has…

Two Topics from the Proposed City Budget

At last night’s Council session, City Manager Clapper mentioned two upcoming budget topics of particular interest: funding for Downtown Whitewater and for the Janesville Transit Bus.  The two items could not be more different: expenditures for Downtown Whitewater support local merchants, while the Janesville Bus supports a bumbling, dissembling Janesville bureaucrat’s ambition for his town…

Four Public Topics for the Fall

There are (at least) four predictable public policy topics in the Whitewater area between now and winter’s beginning on December 21st.  The City of Whitewater’s Proposed 2015 Budget.  It’s budget season in Whitewater.  The city’s proposed budget is now under consideration, at weekly meetings to stretch into November.  The Schools Referendum.  Outside and inside the…

WEDC Claims Success by Writing Off Bad Loans

Wisconsin has had years of embarrassments from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, of economic manipulation, of picking supposed winners as though party hacks would know better than markets. It was a method bound to disappoint. These smarmy men at the WEDC have been trying to show progress on the millions of bad loans they’ve made.…

The Bigger the Project, the Greater the Need for Substantive Justifications

It seems – to most people, I’d guess – that to say ‘the bigger the project, the greater the need for substantive justifications’ is simply reasonable and practical.  In almost all public efforts, municipalities, school districts, and other public bodies should Lead Substantively, and Support Fiscally.  The best way to win big is usually a…

How Conservatives Ruined Conservatism in Whitewater

There are plenty of conservatives in the City of Whitewater, a small rural town, that’s home to a medium-sized campus within the city limits, and is principally located in conservative Walworth County.  In many ways, this rural town should be mostly conservative, mostly Republican, campus notwithstanding.  After all, Walworth County is hardly a liberal place.…